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Saturday, July 18, 2009

Gomenasai!!! ... Naaante :P

I think my brother has something against Jus. For some reason, he always says, "You don't speak to him anymore, I tell you! Don't tell him anything anymore ah!"

And I'm like, "What's your problem?"

"Why you must talk to him?! You like him izit?"

"He likes my friend la! And please, I've got better taste! I never ask you not to chat with your friends, right?!"

I mean, come on! What does he have against Jus? Just the fact that he can't speak good English? Shouldn't my brother be glad one person's English is worse than his? :P I'm not trying to say Jus is unsave-able, but my brother shouldn't say those things. I'm helping Jus pikat my friend and helping him study at the same time.

Not to mention, he has alot to work on studies-wise. 

Oh, and guess what? My family and I are watching Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince tomorrow. Those who have watched it said it was really nice and Andyy said it has the most funny one among the 6, so I'm really, really looking forward to it. Oh, and Danya, I'm going at 6:30 p.m. on Sunday, so can you please confirm the thingymajing? :) However, I booked places where only 5 people can sit. If you have a good idea, best to tell me like NOW. It's showing tomorrow, remember? :)

Alright. Nothing else to chat about. Till something interesting happens and my brother actually learns how to think smart, ciao!

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