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Sunday, June 21, 2009

Happy Fathers' Day

Haha, you must've thought I went emo for a while there! Mwahaha. Don't worry, don't worry, that was all a warm-up for the real thing. Enjoy, this is a tribute to Fathers' Day.

Without you we would never be here
We thank you with our hearts and souls
With you here always, we shed no tear
And embrace the morning as it unfolds
Our lives have always been tragedies
But you made a joke out of all of it
Your responsibility is to make us happy
I must say, you're doing a good job of it
When we're sad, you lend a helping hand
And lend a shoulder, an ear to rely on
What will become of us if we disband
You'll renew our bonds like it was never gone
It is because of you that we're here
We cannot be more than grateful
To show our love, no, not with beer
But with all our hearts, we are hopeful
So now I end, with this conclusion
Our fathers are the best no one's better
But so to speak, we cause no confusion
Our fathers are the same as our beloved mother!


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