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Wednesday, September 2, 2009


Can you believe it? The Choir Competition in my school is actually compulsory for Form 1, 2 and 4? If we don't do it, we don't get marks for our final exams!! For Sivik, that is.

I mean, it might not be important, but I still don't wanna fail it, right? So what can I do? I have to join it anyway. It's a class choir thing, so it'd be quite tough to get the guys in my class to sing. -_- The girls, I'm not so worried, because they're sporting *I hope :P* and it might just be me, but I think my class is the only one who's so enthusiastic. 

Our class was also the first the submit the form -_-

Ohh, but I might not be joining it, because I was actually quite sick today. I got really cold in class and wore Kanga's PJ pants today. It was so friggin' cold. Even now without the fan switched on, I'm getting the chills. I'm bringing a jacket to school tomorrow.

You're probably wondering what song we're singing, right? There were choices, of course. It was Jalur Gemilang, Keranamu Malaysia, Satu Malaysia, Sejahtera Malaysia, Tanggal 31, or some other songs. At first, we chose Keranamu Malaysia but then there were changes and now we're going Sejahtera Malaysia.

As for music, we might be singing on our own, or I might be playing the piano. *I can hear my sister giving nervous coughs :P*

Can you believe it? We have to harmonize as well, and I'm a little worried over that because you know... The students in my class don't even know what the hell that means. -_- And Danya's our conductor. That'll be so funny!! :P

Ugh... I might be doing my BM Oral tomorrow. -_- I haven't gotten anything memorized yet. Crap, I don't even have a topic!! And on top of that, I promised Thong to do some KGT stuff for him but I  haven't even started on mine yet!! -_- I'm gonna die, but I'm gonna try my best anyway. 

I'm cold. -_- 

Nothing else to report. Will be playing Sejahtera Malaysia on the piano after I do the KGT stuff for Thong and do my Oral. That's the least I can do for today.

Alright then, I'll be going off now. Will update when I feel like it :) Ciao!!

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