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Friday, August 14, 2009

Denwa Da!!

My sister called! I came back from tuition after tuition because Jen-itor could send me back. I'm not talking to my dad right now because he didn't wanna send me back from tuition. The problem was that Jen-itor wasn't going the way my house was, he was turning in at Tesco, so he wouldn't even pass my house. Unfortunately, my dad was already out and he asked me to walk back.

So right now, he's not really in my good books.

Anyways, after I switched the computer on, my sister called and I was all squeaky and excited because it was the first time she called home. Apparently, she can afford to spend some money to talk a lot on the phone.

She said she's coming back again somewhere in September :)

She says she misses us *of course, since I'm here :P* and our family dinners where we laugh and talk about everything under the moon :) She also told me some really funny things but she's still coughing and sneezing like anything :P She told me she only had a honeydew and a few guavas for breakfast, some honeydew for lunch and milk with biscuits for dinner. 

That's so sad!

Oh, and if she comes across my blog again, I'd like to tell her my dinner changed its menu. From honeydew, it added up to Mi Sedap and some dim sum :P ENVY!!!

"Screw you la!" :P

Haha, she just called our house phone so she's talking to mommy right now. Anyways, she says the people there are hilarious and the Xiah-look-alike is "hot". Considering the fact that she hardly falls for anyone, this is kind of news :P Then again, she only thinks he's hot because he looks like Xiah, so... :P

I can SO imagine Xiah playing the cello!! :P

*Faints* Haha.

Ohh, and she speaks like something's stuck up her nose.

"Try something stuck up my ass as well."

:P That's what she told me, seriously. But don't misunderstand, my sister's still clean :) Haha. She spoke to our grandma as well :) We're finally seeing her again this August end. It's actually next week. :) It's so nostalgic... Listening to che che's voice. She says she misses us because we're all so funny and I'm like, "Of course la. I'm so funny ma... :P Cheh, perasan :)*

Oh yeah, and I'll post the Olympics song video here. Hold on a mo. :)

CHE CHE!! WATCH THIS!!! If you want :)

And yes, we both know Hankyung's hunky here :P

Anyways, I'm looking forward to her concert as well as her return back here. She's staying for a week in September and the whole month of December. Haha. :) Ciao!

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