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Friday, November 20, 2009



You know, you would seriously think and register it in your stupid brain that the reason I called was so you could accompany me back. 

But no. Instead, you don't even mention that you're done with whatever business you have with that asshole and in the end, I go back alone.

You really wanna piss me off, don't you?

And now the only thing you can say is, "Yeah, my sister's back already. Yeah, I'll try to come online today. You online till what time? Yeah, I will talk to her..."

Or something among those lines.

General idea = you-are-an-asshole.

And the other guy is no exception. You say you're tired and you wanna sleep. So why is it when he's there, you always perk up? Oh, suddenly, you're not exhausted anymore.

Four words = You make me sick.

Get out of my life. Get out of whatever classes you don't feel like going to because you think you can do better stuff with your time. Do me an effing favor and disappear.

Think about what you're saying the next time you deny being mean.

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