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Thursday, November 19, 2009



Holy crap! Exams are friggin' over, baby!! No more picking up my text books and reference books, trying to study whilst watching anime!! 


You're not supposed to know that!! :P

That aside, we had Geography, English Paper 1 and KH today. Surprisingly, I could answer the Geo and KH questions with... well, I guess you could say "ease", but there were some which led me to a dead end -_-

English = pie :P Not being perasan or arrogant, but seriously, you would've thought so too if you saw the paper.

Though, there were some questions which made me pause for about 2 minutes or so before finally deciding on an answer. There was this question which didn't make sense at all. 

"You've tie in with me that they are still your parents."

Now, what the eff is that supposed to mean? And they expect us to find out what "tie in" meant. There was pursue, discuss, match and agree, but I couldn't guess the answer, so I just looked at the words "tie in" and decided on "match". 

If it's wrong, it doesn't matter, I think I can afford to lose one mark :P I'm not being a show-off. Oh, and we got our BM Paper 1 today. Didn't do so well. Only got 28/40 and my parents kept nagging about how I could've done better.

"Yeah la. Last week you can still watch anime and don't care about your exams! Only this week you didn't watch anime!" 



Anyways, I'm waiting for my other subjects :) I'm kinda confident about Maths and Science, though. Oh, and I'm not that worried for my Sejarah~ Though the only person who got an "A" in Cleo's class was Cleo, and that's only 77%


The smartest dude in school got 85% and even that, a girl beat him at 87%. Apparently, the girl's always been better in Sejarah -_-


Still, I'm happy, and that's all that matters~ :P

After school, I didn't bother waiting for Kanga. I went straight to where I normally waited and my parents came soon enough. Knew we were going out for lunch cause my aunt and brother were inside. Ate hakka noodles at the usual store.

Ordered a large :P

Came back home and watched Law Of Ueki cause my dad was using the toilet, so I couldn't bathe yet. He came out soon and I went in, bracing myself for the stench -_- 

After bathing, I watched the Law of Ueki again. I had to stop for a while to clean up the stuff in the music room cause my sister's friends were dropping by. *Yes, che, it's your fault!* :P Then I resumed watching it again.

Just came down cause my aunt came back from work and hogged the television. So, I decided to blog, since I haven't been frequently doing that for a while.

See? I can NOT use the computer when I want to, right? Mwakaka. And now, I don't need to suppress myself!!



Oh yeah, I'm goin' on a writing marathon, baby!! Unwanted Desire, Flawless Hearts, TRUTH, and even the story I was making with Danya and the present for Sakura. I'm gonna use my time these holidays to write and write and WRITE as much as I want before I face PMR next year.


Okay, now I'm just... over reacting -_-

My mom's teaching right now. I could hear her screaming at one of her always-screamed-at students even while I was watching the Law of Ueki. I'm gonna finish that anime soon. Haha, and even Danya can't restrain herself from watching Shugo Chara any longer. Mwakaka.

Anime~ Here I come!! :P

Alrighty then. Me shall go now. CIAO!!

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