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Thursday, July 15, 2010


I feel like crying right now -_- I have my Grade 8 exam tomorrow and I can't play anything smoothly except maybe some of my arpeggios and my first two piano pieces.

I'm so sad :( I was playing my first two pieces and while playing my third piece, my sister actually said, "Stop, stop! You've been playing for too long already! Take a break and continue later."

Well, that's mainly cause I was playing Scales and Arpeggios for two hours' straight. Oh, including the time I went to the toilet -_-

Speaking of, my mom brought me to the Yobo Nutrition place today to have myself "measured" -_- I weighed myself, my height and all that and then got a small lecture and briefing about what it's all about. After all that, I told my mom we had to get rid of the weighing scale at home because it's wonky.

My sister said we should only use that weighing scale if we wanted to feel good about our weight.

Guess why?

My weight on the wonky weighing scale is about 77/78, but when I went to have myself weighed at Yobo's, I was 82.2kg.

You may gawk.

See the difference? I was wondering why the hell I wasn't gaining weight even after lunches where I ate loads of stuff.


I am currently obese. The joy, right? I'm actually lacking in water percentage, muscle mass, and guess what age equivalent is my metabolism rate?

A 41-year-old. The ultimate joy~ -_- I am currently *figuratively speaking*, 41 years old. I'm older by mom by one year. Although she's forty seven, her metabolism rate is running as a 40-year-old.


As for water, I need at least 3 liters a day but if I'm "hardworking", I have to down 6 liters. I'm trying for the 6 liters. It's currently 6:45 and I've already finished about 3 liters plus. So it's good that I've taken at least 3 liters today, but I gotta down at least one more bottle of my 2-liter bottle if I wanna get 6 liters down my throat.

I've already gone to the toilet 8 times today. Plus, I feel another one comin' -_-


That's pretty much it.

I skipped school today because my dad asked me to stay home to practice. Wouldn't have it any other way. I need all the luck the universe can give me. I'll be praying before I go to bed tonight. My exam's at Istana and I'm going in at 8:45 a.m.

Why did it have to be in the morning? And I actually have to go earlier because my mom has to be there by the time the first student goes in because she's the teacher and she's gotta pass the original books around to all the students -_-


How early am I supposed to wake up tomorrow? 6 o'clock? Probably.

I passed the sweets to Karis today in school. Hopefully she passed them to the President. I'm sorry I couldn't come today and I'm sorry I won't be able to come tomorrow.

My left hand hurts. Crap. The bone's irritating the shit outta me.

Alright. Gotta go eat dinner and practice again :( CIAO!!

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