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Saturday, July 17, 2010



I am finally able to do this with a clear conscience :P My Grade 8 exam is OVER!! :P Mwahaha!! Anyways, it started off with me waking up at like... 5:30 in the morning? Yeah, we had to leave by 7:15 because even though my exam started only at 8 something, we had to be there by the time the first student was going in because my mom's the teacher -_-


Luckily, I was second, so I had to it quickly done over with because no way was I gonna wait until the other nine people went in before I did.

That would be bad for my heart :P

Anyways, I went into the exam room, greeted the examiner. She was a very nice lady. She has the same name as Danya's mom. Haha. I wonder if that name is common among the foreigners. All the same, she was nice.

I stopped like three times, unfortunately, with my scales and arpeggios. Curses. My pieces were fine. I slipped in my first piece though :( After going in to the three four time, I stumbled but managed to get back on track without stopping or slowing down. Woo :P

The other two were fine, actually. I could play them relatively well, unless my "well" is very bad -_-

My sight reading was horrible. I wasn't even trying to keep time. I was just banging notes all the way until the last note. Aiseh~

Aural was okay. I got through them quite smoothly and I especially liked the last part of the Aural test, where you listen to the piece and talk about it with the examiner.


I really hope I get a Distinction. Please, please, please give me a Distinction. I'm going to work very hard for my PMR too so I can get my rewards :P But first, I wanna slack for a while :P

After my exam, we had to wait some more because my mom still had students going in. Plus, I had a stomach ache so I had to go to the toilet in the hotel cause we weren't leaving any time soon. After we were finally able to leave, we went to have brunch at a restaurant nearby. Not bad.

Had dim sum :)

We hung around a while more after brunch because we were watching some really stupid videos of Ris Low, the former beauty queen of Singapore.

My sister says she makes blonde bimbos look like geniuses.


We left for home after going to Euro music to get some of my sister's stuff and then left again shortly after with only my sister, brother and my self to KLCC. Went straight to the movie floor to grab tickets to Despicable Me, bought popcorn and went into the cinema room.

Hilarious. And absolutely adorable.

I need to CD :P

We were debating on watching Eclipse just for the sake of wanting to know how bad it would be, but it would be clashing with my tuition later on so we had to stick with Despicable Me. The movie ended at 3:40 p.m. so we went to Kinokuniya.

Found my Puzzle Adventure Omnibus Volume 2 :) Woo~ :P I absolutely love those puzzle books :)

After that, we went back home, got stuck in a small jam, and then went to the McD's Drive Thru for the Oreo McFlurry my sister promised me after my exam :) Woo~ :)

Came back home and then proceeded to my Adventure book :) After a little bit of it, I got sleepy and slept. All the way to like 10 something? So I just went up and slept straight, after changing into my pajamas :)


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