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Thursday, July 8, 2010



It was a long day at school today. Woke up at 5:45++ and went to bathe and stuff like that. Did shakes for my brother and I again. After forcing it down my throat, grimacing at the coldness starting to churn in my stomach, I woke my dad up, who was supposed to send us to school and debated on whether or not to take my brother's guitar to school.

Decided not to, considering I hated the torture of enduring the extra baggage yesterday and the day before.


And all the other days I brought my brother's guitar -_- As well as the spare guitar -_-


Went to school and up the stairs immediately for morning briefing. Nothing much. I gave the balloons and shit to Haylie but found out she already got the balloons -_-

Grr~ :P

Oh, this time I got not-so-cheap balloons at Tesco near my house as well as the rubber bands. They all costed me about RM38++ but I don't think I'll be paid back. Bleghh~

Plus, my brother followed me and he wanted me to buy him a file and a permanent marker pen so I ended up spending more than RM50 that day cause I needed an OHP pen for my tuition class. I bought two before this but they were gone with my pencil box :(

Curse the bastard who took my pencil box. May he/she rot in hell.

Anyways, today was a lil' special because my school was hosting a cooking competition in the hall so we couldn't assemble there. As a result, we could all go to class a little earlier than we usually did. First subject that day was BI but Mr Rob didn't come in.

Tch, the substitute was the worst thing our school could do to us as a class. She was the most annoying and irritating piece of shit I've ever met in my whole 15 years being alive on Earth. She, who was a new teacher and also one of the old teachers who taught Add Maths.

God, it's like we didn't even exist when they started bitching about our class right in front of me.

You see, it began like this, that new teacher came in as a substitute and then we were making quite a lot of noise, I think, and then the Add Maths teacher came in and started yelling about why we were one curtain short. Then she picked on Khoon who was the monitor and talked about how we "berlagak pandai" when we don't know anything.

And then the two teachers started to talk about our class like this:

New Teacher: Tak tau macam mana nak control la, class ni.

Add Maths Teacher: Memang kena garang sikit. Orang macam ini ada orang gaji di rumah so hal semudah ni pun tak tau. Mereka berlagak je tau.

You don't know how I had to suppress the intense urge to talk back and defend our class. But I stayed silent. Whether it was me being wise or just plain cowardly, I regretted not speaking up.

Worse still, when the Add Maths teacher left, the new teacher wouldn't shut up about how we all berlagak pandai and don't know how to do shit. I told everyone I wanted to shove the broom up her ass. Even Sausage and Andy were bitching about her.

Tch, see how she feels when something like that happens.

Then she goes on about how dirty our class is and Chucky who was, unfortunately, on duty today, got super pissed. I told her "We need a bigger rubbish bin."


"It's gonna have to be bigger for us to stuff her in."

She laughed and I continued, "She's the one thing we definitely do not need in this room."

Soba did a little cheer.

Tch. Honestly, I mean, I know we're just students, but even we deserve some degree of respect, right? Like many people say, to receive respect is to give respect first? How the hell do they expect us to respect them when they start caci-ing us like that?

Go to hell.

Anyways, I was reading Danya's book The Time Traveler's Wife to get my mind off stuff. *Thank you, Danya :)* and managed to finish 30 pages by Geography. It's not bad :)

Geography ain't so bad either. We have to do notes, by the way, Danya, I forgot to write it in your book. We're supposed to complete notes until Chapter 14. Puan Ina wants to check it on Monday. As in, random checks. Not everyone :)

:P What am I trying to imply, right? :P

Recess, I spent it buying buns at the Ko-op and then eating what I bought at Tesco which consisted of a Tuna Danish and Sausage Croissant. Mwahaha :P

That was when Kanga and Cleo broke the news to me, alongside Shuen. They told me our teacher decided to yet again postpone our competition. I'm getting seriously pissed. What the hell is wrong with them? You use the stupid excuse that we have exams but can't we just get it over and done with so we can cast it aside and concentrate on exams?

What's the damn point if we keep delaying it and yet have to keep practicing just in case you decided to have it on some random day?


What the hell are you doing to our school?

I was really angry when I went back to class. Come to think of it, after recess, we never had to study any more except for Maths. Finished the 10th chapter already in the room opposite our class. Was interesting.

After that we went down for some Maggi cup noodles and Milo that the Maggi people apparently wanted to give us for free.

Tch, right. The cups were miniscule and tasted like plain dough in slightly flavoured water. Oh, and vegetables -_- Plus, the Milo people were so position-ist because they let the prefects in our school take more than one cup and refill their friggin' bottles.

What the hell?


It's like the other societies don't exist.

Bloody annoying people.

As if I wasn't pissed off enough.

After that, we had no teacher for one period after another sub teacher because our Science teacher was involved in the competition or something like that. I ended up reading Danya's book again and finished it till page 70.

Yeah~ Then we did nothing for KH before the new sub came again and I got angry once more because everyone was bursting balloons in class.

MY balloons.

The noise was too much for me to take. I went outside and continued reading.

When the sub teacher came in, I finished till page 132 and then Danya came back in and I returned it to her. Sorry I read it without your permission. I was really bored.

Yeah, so after that, we finished school and I went to Dellie's apartment because Haylie, Dellie and I were going to jam with the guitar a little while according to some books she had and they also wanted to change into their PJ garments for the activity later on.

At 2 something we went back to school and helped out with the activity. Had to fill water balloons and shit, were they heavy -_-

Danya and I were in charge of the amphitheater of our school. Soon, we had to give out clues and shit like that. One of the clues was my bottle: Explains why I stayed back :P Yeah~ And one group actually cheated, because they actually ASKED for a calculator *which was one of the items they had to find* from a boy.

The bugger who asked *his name is Dick (very fitting)* should be castrated.

Anyways, that group was disqualified.

Plus, one of the groups got lost and when everyone was going home, they finally came to us -_- Cacat~ And I had to practically GIVE them the answers to the clues.

Finally, they found it all and they went back. Our Prez then treated everyone to ice cream after a little embarrassment of trying to hula-hoop :P It was hilarious. I couldn't stop laughing. Thanked the President for the ice cream and then went home.

Bathed then went for tuition. Was okay. I bought some snacks for Kim for compensation of ditching her and going off with some other group. I felt so bad that night I swore I'd buy something for her. Haha. Worked. She was glad.

"Leave me again~" she said -_-

When class was over, I came back home, posted two posts of lyrics and then went to the office to practice. Under mom's orders -_- Went and practiced, of course. At 9:30 my aunt asked me to stop and we waited for someone to finish teaching.

What does she take working hours for anyway? Guidelines? For God's sake, why can't you just keep to the standard timing and not finish half an hour later?


Came back with my aunt, ate dinner a while ago and now I'm blogging for the last time tonight. Shit, the post is so damn long :)

On the other hand, my sister is coming back on Sunday, though this time I think I won't enjoy it considering she'll be on me about practicing until my fingers really do fall off.

Sometimes I have to think whether it's my mom or my sister who wants me to get Distinction so much.


Okie dokie then :) Me ciao now :) CIAO!!

P/S: All conversations above aren't 100% accurate but are very much among those lines. Meanings didn't change, but little bits of words are different from that were stated.

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