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Friday, July 9, 2010



I woke up at 5:55++ in the morning today. Originally, the alarm was supposed to ring at 5:45 but obviously I didn't hear it.

By the time I went downstairs I was too lazy and it was too late to make shake.


Okay, I kinda lied. I was just too lazy. I could've made the shake and drunk it in the car. Anyways, so my mom sent us to school today because my dad went golfing -_-

Went to morning briefing today and the President thanked those who helped with the Amazing Race activity the day before. Yeah~ He then asked us to stay back for half an hour on Tuesday because he needed some help with the carnival thing next Friday but I won't be able to go because I have piano exams on that day.

I'm dreading it.

After morning briefing, we all proceeded to the hall for our assembly. The Malays did their stuff and the Moral students read books and stuff. Following that, we went up to our own classes. First subject was Maths and we went to the AV room to study. I made sure I reached before Wuss because she stole the front seat the other time and I got mad :P

Yeah~ Maths was okay. We finished Chapter 10. We have homework though -_- Bleghh~ After Maths we went up to the Science Lab for Science and did some Electricity experiment with the ammeters and voltmeters.

Was quite cool :P

Handed our reports in and then went for recess. I bought buns at the Ko-op again and because it was a Friday, went to the library for my duties :) Did a scan through the place to make sure no one was breaking rules before getting to my shelf and seeing it in a very miserable state.

Immediately Dellie and I went about trying to fix it. God~ Our books were all over the place. We even found a sweet wrapper in Dellie's shelf and she cursed, "I curse the person who threw the wrapper here."


After recess we had BM. I missed some parts of the lesson because at the beginning, our teacher told us to pay RM5 for the carnival thing *it's compulsory* and since I wouldn't be going, I had to ask our PK 1 if I still had to pay.

Tch, she said I had to contribute to the school by paying, even though I wasn't gonna show up. When I went back to tell my class teacher, she said I should pay and then give it to someone else who would pay me back so I don't rugi anything.

Thank God for teachers like her in that rotten school.

Anyways, after BM, Moral students had to go down to the hall because the Malays had their own stuff at the surau. We were going to be listening to a talk by two people representing Focus on the Family. Guess what they were talking about?

Sex education.

The joy, right?

Quite surprisingly though, it was quite interesting and funny. The guy knew how to joke, of course, and the idea of having our own students volunteer to act as some of the people they made up was hilarious because they were known to everyone in school so we were like "WOO~" and "OOhhh~" and "OHH!!!!"


Yeah, it was quite fun.

Nonetheless, I would've enjoyed it more had the girls beside me shut up. They couldn't stop talking and it was annoying because I was trying to listen.



Other than that, it was okay :) After that, school ended and we all got a free clear holder. Then I made my way to the canteen, got myself a burger and went up to the library. Danya and I learnt quite a lot of stuff today including book processing and also the AV and CAC room. Interesting~

After that, we arranged our shelves a little and then did a little shouting practice -_- I always hated that, but if that's what it takes then -_- Haha.

At 2:25 I sped down to my brother's school and got into the car :) My mom wanted me to be at his school by 2:30 so~ Yeah~ We went home and I went to bathe first before diving headfirst into the dim sum lunch my mom bought for me :)


Then I did a little homework before my mom's student's mom sent me to Sean's house for Maths and Science tuition.

Tuition was nice, although Viv didn't come. She went to England for her sister's graduation -_- We went through our Science homework and then for the rest of the lesson, we did Chapter 11: Linear Equations :) It's quite interesting. Especially since Sean was weird because he was not angry no matter how Su tried to poke him with a pencil or throw an eraser at him.

Mwahaha :P


Class at tomorrow is at 11 apparently -_-


And now I'm back home. I was just watching The Proposal and a little of Mamma Mia just now. They were both on different channels so I couldn't catch them both. I had to watch a little of this and a little of that, but I prefer watching The Proposal :)

Sorry, the guy from The Proposal is so cute :P

Okie dokie then :) That's about all from me today :) CIAO!!

P/S: If you're wondering why I changed the blogskin, it's because Scrappin' Blogs has some problems with the photos they uploaded from Photobucket :) Hey, this skin is nice too :P

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