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Tuesday, October 13, 2009


Gomen... You must've been shocked with that many lyrics I posted up. Well, for one, I've been listening to quite a number of new songs :)

Anyways, for the past two days, I've been doing some Geography reading to prepare myself for my exams in November. My brother went all crazy with basketball today as he finished his PMR. Lucky him. I miss having to threaten him with it. Haha.

Slept at 2:30++a.m. yesterday finishing up his notes for him. For Kemahiran Hidup, I mean. I did the questions *using the answers* and made some simple notes on why the answers were... well, the answers.

I'm such a kind-hearted sister :P

We all ate at Di Mao Gwan's today for lunch. Yummy. I love the food there. Ohh, and my dad went all lessons-learnt-by-telling-stories on us. He told us that "When Lying Is Necessary" and also the whole Bata thing.

I don't know if my sister has heard the Bata one or not, but she's heard the lying one. About the priest and how some people have to lie in order to save people and how abiding by the rules sometimes is the stupidest thing to do :)

He also asked us some IQ questions. I'll post them up when I have the time. Right now, it's eleven something and I've got school tomorrow. I have to ciao soon, meaning. I broke our promise, Danya, I'm sorry, I continued Unwanted Desire for just a short while. Forgive me!! I still studied!!

Ohh! And I nearly forgot about the "Thank You" cake for our choir teachers tomorrow! I was supposed to pick it up at 6 but I only remembered at 7:30 p.m. when I remembered I had school. *That was in the toilet* I was in front of the computer for a great majority of the day, so... Yeah, I tend to forget stuff.

I immediately rushed out and begged the Gods for the shop to still be open. I got my brother to accompany me. Haha. He was playing basketball with his friends. Nya nya nya~ :P

I collected the cake then and paid the bill. I've only got flies in my purse now. :( I hope I get rich again soon. I banked in my cash, remember? All RM800 of 'em. Haiz... I miss being in control of my money~ :P

Oh well, I'll just have to earn some more!! :P Gotta start drawing pictures again. Ohh, and charge my brother for listening to my iPod :P

I love the dictionary.

That was random -_-

But seriously, I LOVE the dictionary. Who would've guessed there were so many incredible words out there? Words like nyctophobia which means a phobia of the dark and so much more? Did you know, I only knew the definitions of "optimistic" and "pessimistic" this year? I mean, I knew the spelling and roughly what they meant, but if I were to explain, I wouldn't know how to.

Haiz... The dictionary is a really amazing thing, isn't it? Second is the Thesaurus!! :P

Anyways, had a simple dinner consisting of scrambled eggs, fish *which was surprisingly delicious :P* and my favourite, cauliflower. 

You know, I don't know what the hell is wrong with me, but I love cauliflower. Especially in the sauce :) Dang, that's good. Every now and then, I'll just eat cauliflower alone :P I'm serious.

Ohh, and I re-read Kaze Hikaru :) I miss Souji *squeals*!! Sei is funny as usual. 

Alrighty then. I have to go now. CIAO!!

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