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Friday, July 13, 2012

Hiiro no Kakera

Ola :) So here's the review for Hiiro no Kakera. It consists of 13 episodes with the last episode airing on the 24th of June. Technically, this is about a few weeks late. 

Can't blame me, right? What with three seizures in the last month, I couldn't exactly use the computer whenever I wanted.

That aside, this based-on-an-RPG-game story tells the tale of Kasuga Tamaki whom, for some reason, has to live with her grandmother at the Kifumura Village. 

Upon arriving at the village, however, she is attacked by some enraged deities. Ah, but fear not, for she was rescued by her "knight in shining armour" -.-

That is, Onizaki Takuma.

After regaining some of her composure, the both of them make their way to Tamaki's grandmother's house, where, after gaining an audience with her grandma, Tamaki finds out that she is the new Tamayori princess. As the Tamayori princess, she has the duty of protecting the Onikirimaru, which has destructive power and may threaten the safety of the village, from the evil Logos people (who want to use it for some bad purpose).

All she has to do is prevent certain people from stealing what they dubbed 'seals', which consist of the original Tamayori princess' accessories/heirlooms.

Of course, with every shoujo anime, comes a bunch of hot guys who accompany her on her quest to 'save the world'. And these five 'lucky' peeps are Onizaki Takuma, Atori Mahiro, Ohmi Suguru, Komura Yuuichi and Inukai Shinji. All of 'em are from the Shugogo House.

Basically, it's another one of those Fushigi-Yuugi fairytales where a bunch of bishounen have to protect one useless girl.

Trust me, I'm not exaggerating (or, in true blue my-family style: exzazzerating) when I say she's useless. Not only does she not do anything that may benefit her protectors, but when she does find a use for herself, she goes and tires herself out within the next minute and becomes immediately useless again.


The anime seemed promising in the beginning, but its interest was not sustained throughout the series. I ended watching it till the end not because of its amusing storyline, but because I wanted to know if Takuma and Tamaki ended up an item.

And I was disappointed even in that field.

Sure, there were signs of romance between the two, but not enough to keep me entertained throughout.


Imagine this: two or three episodes used just to let the audience know that the Tamayori princess has the power to do something to save them but doesn't know how to. To make things worse, her grandma's not doing the world a favour by telling her. Oh, and the Shugogo protectors are always beaten to a pulp whenever they face the Logos.

And then, to piss the Shugogo protectors, Tamaki goes around talking about how she wants to help them and how she'll find a way to save them. Dudette, you couldn't save yourself from one of the five Logos people - you don't have the right to say something like that.

To sum it all up: Unless you like an anime with a crappy storyline, this is not the anime for you :) 

Kasuga Tamaki *Miyake Marie*
- Oginome Ringo/Utada Hikari (Mawaru Penguindrum)
- Kirino Ami (Acchi Kocchi)

Onizaki Takuma *Sugita Tomokazu*
- Motosuwa Hideki (Chobits)
- Renkotsu (Inuyasha)
- Muguruma Kensei/Nova (Bleach)
- Raven (Earl and Fairy)
- Pace (Arcana Famiglia)

Atori Mahiro *Okano Kousuke*
- Hanabishi Recca (Flame of Recca)
- Asuka Jr. (Saint Tail)
- Phantom of Inferno (Zwei)
- Miyamoto Taichi (Bleach)

Ohmi Suguru *Hirakawa Daisuke*
- Julio Cesare (Zero no Tsukaima: Futatsuki no Kishi)
- Ito Makoto (School Days)
- Irie Naoki (Itazura na Kiss)
- Amakawa Yuko (Omamori Himari)
- Yagyuu Muneakira (Hyakka Ryouran Samurai Girls)

Komura Yuuichi *Namikawa Daisuke*
- Elk (Arc the Lad)
- Yang Guo (Legend of the Condor Heroes)
- Kamishiro Maiku (Onegai Twins)
- Fai (Tsubasa Chronicles)
- Eigetsu/Yogetsu (Saiunkoku Monogatari)
- Ulquiorra (Bleach)
- Mikage (07-Ghost)
- Kazehaya Shota (Kimi ni Todoke)
- Ibuki Keita (Kurokami)

Inukai Shinji *Shimowada Hiroki*
- Kohori Kazuki (Lovely Complex)
- Toboe (Wolf's Rain)

That's about it, then :) CIAO!!

P/S: Please click on my Nuffnang ads :) Thanks!!

P/S/S: What is worth listening to, though, is the opening of this anime, which is "Nee" from Fujita Maiko :)

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