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Saturday, July 14, 2012


Today's million-dollar question: Have you ever regretted something so much?

* * *

Ola :)

I have.

Woke up at 8:30a.m to read the dictionary for some tricky words that might come out. Got a list of common but funny-spelt word lists from the Internet too like gonorrhea and others of the like.

Bathed at 9:45a.m and left the house at 10:20a.m++ to Dellie's house. We were going to Times Square together :) But first: BREAKFAST!!

Had it at Taman Maluri. Awesome chicken rice. Seriously. Thanks, Dellie and family :)

Had iced milo too!! O.O

Reached Times Square at about 12 something so we watched the SIR competition for the junior category first, since it started at 11. And all the while, Dellie and I were looking at each other going "Shit, shit, shit, I didn't know how to spell that" and "Me neither!"


So we went to Starbucks to study some more.

After 3, our turn came. Mine was a big disappointment. Was planning to make myself look stupid so they wouldn't give me a hard word. And they didn't. It was "fledgling". How the HELL could I possibly get that wrong?

But apparently, they heard me spell out an "I" somewhere between "G" and "L" so I was disqualified. Didn't appreciate that woman going "Excuse me, there's such a word as 'pardon'." either.

Yeah, I know that, bitch. I'm not the one with ears shoved up her ass.

But what's the point of defending myself now? It's already too late. Can't turn back time.

So, at around 6:15p.m, my family came to fetch me and we all went to the Renaissance Hotel where we had a buffet dinner at TEMPTs. Dessert spread was to die for. Sushi, salad, oysters, prawns. Prawns were awesome. Marshmallows + chocolate fountain choc? Delicious.

Went home at 9 something after dinner. Sang "Not Enough" with sister until 12a.m then slept :)

That's about it, then. CIAO!!

P/S: Please click on my Nuffnang ads :) Thanks!!

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