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Wednesday, July 4, 2012


Today's million-dollar question: Is life so sad that we have to smack a smile on our faces even in the presence of people we dislike?

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Ola :)

I'll make this really short because my memory's really foggy regarding today. I just know I woke up in time for lunch at 12 something. If I'm not mistaken, it was leftover fried rice.

After that, everything's a blur until we had dinner at Organic Recipe in PJ. I vaguely remember my grandpa being moved to tears because he was so glad we were there.

I kind of understand that feeling, but he has to know he has no reason to feel that way. We're all family and we all love him, so it's a no-brainer that we would celebrate his birthday together.

Of course, I have yet to comprehend the reason that particular bastard was there. Last time I checked, our family dinners consisted of our close relatives/friends. If she's going to be like that, then I don't understand why is it we can't have WQ around when that cockroach has permission.


It's like family politics. It's disgusting.

Thankfully Fi, our cousin, was there. Made dinner that much more tolerable.

Unfortunately, I can't remember what happened after that, so I'll just leave it here :) CIAO!!

P/S: Please click on my Nuffnang ads :) Thanks!!

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