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Saturday, July 14, 2012


Today's million-dollar question: If you're so sick of us, why don't you quit?

* * *

Ola :)

Woke up at 6 o'clock today and went to school. Can't remember what happened during morning briefing but I remember being irritated with our principal because she was making it compulsory for us to jot down notes whilst the teachers were delivering the announcements.

Woman, we're not as old as you. Our memories might not be perfect, but they're good enough. We don't need you to tell us what we need to do so we don't forget stuff.

Maybe you do, but don't group yourself with us.

Anyways, our first subject was English. I finally finished the essay, with help from Jus and Josh. I was surprised they helped, but I'm very grateful. At least they helped. The others just went around talking to their friends.

Screw them. I'm not taking their SPM for them. By all means, get bad grades: that way, the graph will work to my favour.


Joking, joking.

Our Add Maths teacher failed to make an appearance so our history teacher stood in and gave us a quiz. Was fun, to say the least.

For recess, I had the KFC nuggets from the SIR challenge the previous day. KFC had sponsored our food and Dellie helped take it for me because I had to leave for the buffet dinner.

Thanks, Dellie.

After that, I went to see Puan Nurul.

Physics was at 10:30a.m and after that, we had Biology. The teacher was very 'ngok' today because the students weren't listening again, as usual. I hate it when that happens. I came to study Bio, not listen to the teacher complain about how noisy the damned class is every lesson.

After Bio was another hour and 20 minutes of Physics so I went to see Pn Nurul again to ask about our permission to do the drama stuff during P&P.

When the permission slips were distributed and the participants gathered, I ran through the scripts with them again.

Went back home at 4:30p.m and had Chemistry tuition with Miss Vila. I forgot her classes were on Monday O.O Not to mention it was for two hours. My brains could've fried. Seriously.

At 9:30p.m, I had dinner then watched Beethoven's 2nd on my iPad. My God, it's so cute!! Gina, from Castle (who is his book agent) is one of the actresses in that installation.



But I hated her there. So annoying. And bitchy -.-

After the movie, I went to search for a few anime pictures to use as my iPad background wallpapers then went to sleep :)

That's about it, then. CIAO!!

P/S: Please click on my Nuffnang ads :) Thanks!!

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