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Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Honestly, I never thought going back to MC would be this bad. Egad, I wanted to bury my whole head into a hole and can you believe it? I was eagerly waiting to go home, from ENGLISH class! What the hell, right?

Thought I was deceiving myself when I wanted to go home quick.

But seriously, if you were in my shoes, with people like that around you, you wouldn't blame me for wanting to go home.

Still can't believe it -_-

I think everyone must see me as some alien invading their classroom. The only other "new" person in the class was Mus from our school, but he had Andy and Keat to entertain him.


Shell? She had her own friends. She couldn't be bothered about me.

I just pray and hope Thursday will be different. I don't wanna be the only black sheep in a meadow of white ones.

Eating dinner right now.

Oh, and you'll never believe what I'm gonna say next.


... finished...

... ... my school homework...

Unbelievable, right? :P

Sivik, done. KH, done. Sejarah, done.

Okay fine, so I haven't done my BM homework, but that's not due anytime soon, so :P Didn't enjoy school much today though, because of certain incidents. I can't believe that person had the nerve in 'em to say that. Or even think that. Not even happy with what you have already.

Tch, pathetic.

Didn't have much homework today because for one, school ended at 1:10 cause of PF and our Geography and BM teacher didn't come into class today. We have Sivik, Seni and PJ tomorrow, though. I'm dreading PJ -_-

I'm actually debating on just forgetting about PMR and watching TV now -_- I think I will later for just a little while :) I miss watching the TV already :P

Ooh, and we got our Science and English exam papers from last years' finals today. Mwakaka. Got 44/50 for my Paper 2 :P But I did very badly for my Paper 1 *36/40*, which explains why I only got 88 marks. Bleghh~

Dhan beat me by 3 marks. Grr :P

Speaking of Dhan, since I was abandoned :P after school, Dhan and Andy entertained me because they were going back at the same time too. That was when I found out Andy was going to MC later this evening as well -_-

Funny, our talk. It definitely cheered me up a little especially since I was SO bored I decided to read my Sejarah text book :P

2:25 soon came and I started walking to my brother's school with Dhan, since he was going the same way.

Liz's mom sent my brother and I back from school today due to some stuff and thanks to her, we got to eat McD's for lunch :P Yumm~ I miss fish filet :P

You can say lunch was dee-lish :P

I then bathed and did my school homework all the way to 6:45 p.m. in which I decided to pack and go to MC. Bleghh~

And now I'm here :) Got nothin' to chat about, really, so CIAO!!

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