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Tuesday, August 31, 2010


Here ya go :) Kobato; another well done anime by CLAMP who brought you Tsubasa Reservoir Chronicles.

This anime~ Hmm~ Let's see... It's redeeming qualities are the humour and bishoujo/bishounen. It's also quite a tearjerking anime *which explains why I cried -_-*

It, however, lacks explanation. Until now, I don't know why Ioryogi-san is a stuffed animal and neither do I know how he was responsible for what happened to Kobato.

That's pretty much all there is to it.

This story is mainly about a girl, Hanato Kobato, who was sent to Earth to heal and collect broken hearts - which are called konpeito in the anime, for some reason - in order to make her dream come true, which is to go to the place she wants to go to most.

Don't believe the synopsis on the back of this DVD when you see it on the shelves though. They say that she's not allowed to fall in love with anyone she heals, but it's not what was shown in the anime. In the end, she still fell in love with Kiyokazu *the dude, yes. Congrats upon figuring that out -_-* Unless what they meant by she's not allowed to love, is the fact that she couldn't collect enough konpeito to fill up the bottle.

And even then, it was her decision -_-

Comparing this to CLAMP's other famous work which is Tsubasa Reservoir Chronicles, this is better in the sense that the body proportions are much better -_- They don't fly in the air when someone pulls their hand either :P Unless that's a Tsubasa special feature -_-

That aside, Ioryogi-san is the stuffed toy bear who is supposed to guide Kobato along whilst she collects the konpeito in the time limit of a whole year. As I have given you a spoiler earlier, she couldn't collect them in time and her contract was breached, but in the 23rd episode, it is shown that the last konpeito she received - which is Kiyokazu's - accumulated and filled the bottle - really cliche, yes - and she was sent to wherever she wanted to go to most.

I shall not spoil the whole thing for you so I shall conceal whatever happened in the last episode :P I'm mean, yes.

In this anime, it's clearly portrayed that Kobato is a good singer. Her song sends chills up my spine and I'm trying to learn that now :P It's a good thing, though :)

That's pretty much it. I shall not tell you why she was sent down to Earth and her purpose of her collecting the konpeito apart from going to the place she wants to go to most, so haha :P You'll have to really watch it before you actually understand.

Now, for the voice actors/actresses:

Kobato *Hanazawa Kana*
- Sharon Reinsworth (Pandora Hearts)
- Sengoku Nadeko (Bakemonogatari)
- Miyano Mayu (B Gata H Kei)
- Susukihotaru (Otome Youkai Zakuro)

Ioryogi *Inada Tetsu*
- Roa (Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood)
- Mukotsu (Inuyasha)
- Zero (Fairy Tail)
- Kurogane (Tsubasa Chronicle)

Fujimoto Kiyokazu *Maeno Tomoaki*
- Dias (Fractale)
- Tachibana Jun'ichi (Amagami SS)
- Nagato (Naruto: Shippuden)


P/S: This anime also has a short one-episode crossover to Tsubasa Reservoir Chronicles. Won't tell you when and where and who came though :P

P/S/S: Please click on my Nuffnang ads :) Thanks!! Pics curtesy of Google Images.

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