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Sunday, April 19, 2009

Get OUT of my life!!

For God's sake, I hate you! I hate you and I want you to dissolve into thin air and DISAPPEAR! I don't care about what you say! I want you to go away and buzz off my case! Why do you even bother talking to me?! I don't give hell's SHIT about you!

You're the reason everyone's in this mess! You treat the people around you like dirt! Like someone just shoved them away! What the hell is your problem anyway? What part of "I hate you" do you not understand?! I want you to go away and leave me alone!!!

You're insensitive, vain, disgusting, impetuous, pathetic, despicable, impertinent, uncooperating, insufferable and a typhus infection! Why does she even LIKE you in the first place? You misunderstand, you're always misguided and a loser because you can't give your own girlfriend some peace of mind! You misunderstood when she was just talking to one of her friends! 

Yes! I may not know peanuts about you, but you cannot say you know me at ALL! You don't fucking know ANYTHING about me so just keep your gap shut! Your sorry ass is none of my business and I don't care if there are selfish backstabbers in the world who complain about me because you only want to be liked. You think everything's about you! I ask you to leave me alone and you make me more miserable!

You think I'm like this around my friends?? You think my true friends would EVER see this side of me?! You think you know oh-so-bloody much about me but the truth is you DON'T! You know peanuts about me as I know peanuts about you and you know what?! GOOD! I don't want to hear anything about you pretending that you know ANYTHING about me! If you DARE say anymore about knowing ANYTHING about me, bastard, you might as well say you know Barrack Obama! 


And keep your dirty, filthy, disgusting hands OFF my best friend or I swear one day, I will cut your reason for being a man! You're no man! You're a cissy! And a stupid one at that! You're the worst boy anyone can meet in the world and perhaps she's blind to think someone like YOU would even be worth her time!

And you think I care if anyone complains about me? You think no one complains about you?! You're stupid, insensitive and a fucking git to think that everyone thinks you're an angel! At least I'm prepared for the fact that there are bastards and bitches in the world who think I'm a bitch. I've got a classmate who calls me a bitch everytime I walk past him and I twisted someone's arm because she's done something bad to me! 

If you think I like to just stand aside and let people like YOU tell ME how I am and what my personality is like, you're wrong. You're damn fucking wrong! I don't fucking care about whatever you say about me because I know I'm something else. I've never said I've known you so you can't say the same about me either. I hate your guts and your filthy way of thinking.

You might try and make my hatred for you go away, but if there's one thing I know that I've learnt from my sister, it's SO MUCH easier to HATE than to be nice! I'm sick and tired of being pushed around by you. You switch girlfriends like you change your clothes! I don't care if I'm not right, because this is MY life, it's MY time and MY decision if I want to make it complicated and make people hate me because it's ME. I've got my own life to lead and I don't need people telling me how to lead it!


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