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Friday, April 17, 2009

From what I read...

From what I read, I answer now,
From what I read, you're a cow,
Clear conscience, to you a word not,
Clear confusion, that's what you've brought,
Forbidden is what you claim to say,
For one fine day you walk away,
Foe is the word you choose to use,
But what have she given to you as clues?
You might not have done somewhat a crime,
But you cannot blame your wrongs on time,
For that is not what made you choose,
To end a friendship that was just loose,
Yet you say there was a crack,
But intellect, that's what you lack,
Because neither of you were right or wrong,
But both of you just went along,
Pain and tears don't come and pass,
Each time they do, for months they last,
If you're sorry for what decisions you've done,
That doesn't show, for you regret none,
There's truth in your words, your moments were there,
But compared to most, those are bare,
Farewell, you say? Goodbye to your friend?
From what I read, you're just a coward, in the end.

~Visit her blog and you'll know what I mean~

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