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Thursday, April 16, 2009

My Class...

I love my class. It’s funny and none of the students take studying seriously. I mean, that’s not necessarily good, but I it’s definitely better than going to the better classes and get looked down at. Yeah, it’s good and all, because the teachers take it you really want to learn, but what’s the point if everyone’s gonna act like zombies? Everyone in the higher classes only want to study and think everything’s for real. One word…


There are also fun people. Like Thong and all that. Jus and Sheng who really crack the class up. Especially Ihm. Phoo! That guy can really turn the class upside down.

Then there are my friends. Kangaroo, Chucky, Shuen and Danya are all there and I feel so happy they’re in my class. Life would be so dull without them.

Then again, my friends are the reason I hate my class. Why the hell did the teachers put Kangaroo and Chucky in the same class? They hate each other’s guts. Literally. I bet if anyone of them could, they would seriously impale each other with stakes until the other dies.

No, not even until they cry help, until they die.

It’s that serious, their hatred. But I hate it! I hate it when the both of them fight because its so god damned bloody obvious they hate each other. And come on, bloggie, I’m sure you know how much I hate it when my friends fight. They might not be the best of friends or even the slightest of friends but if they wanna fight, don’t do it in front of me. Like it or not, both of you are my friends, both of you have qualities that I both hate and like, so just GET ALONG or GET LOST!

Kangaroo, I hate it when you start acting like you know every bloody thing under the moon and when you start treating me like I’m younger than you. Like it or not, I’m a few months older than you and I’m not some young stupid brat who likes their cheeks pinched or poked. However, I like, love it when you start kutuk-ing Sudimati. I love it, okay? I also love it when you help me and everything and when you make me laugh and I love teaching you Japanese. I love your qualities and I also hate them. It’s equal on both sides.

Chucky, I hate it when you start fights with Kangaroo. Like it or not, you are always the one who gives Kangaroo a reason to talk back at you. I don’t care if you hate her and despise her, but if you don’t do anything to her, she won’t do anything to you. Why can’t you just understand that? Just leave her alone. I hate it when you start asking her to keep quiet and everything else because we all have to respect our elders and that includes you. I hate my brother, but you don’t see me asking him to flush his head down the toilet, right? -_- But I love it when you kutuk Sudimati. I love it when you start making funny jokes and even if they’re not funny, we laugh anyway, because the expression on your face is hilarious. :P I love you qualities and as well I hate them. It’s equal.

So the both of you have sides which people hate and sides which people love. That’s why we’re still friends. Do you think I would even want to look at you if you didn’t have good qualities to top everything??

And the fact that I’m typing everything here in my blog is proof I’m not afraid of letting you know how I really feel and how I think of your stupidity in the way you’re behaving.

~Tune out~

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