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Monday, March 12, 2012

Houou Gakuen Misoragumi

Ola :) So this manga is called Houou Gakuen Misoragumi. I finished this within a day, don't worry. Didn't take up much time either, since there are only 22 chapters.


Well, cutting straight to the chase, this manga is a mixture of romance and gender bender. Lemme explain what that means: cross-dressing.

That's technically summing up the whole explanation, really :)

There are a few manga I like that have this as one of their themes. One of my favourites is Charming Junkie. So the bloody cute :P I also like Penguin Revolution. I've reviewed that before. You can read it here. Others include Tokyo Crazy Paradise, AAA, Hana Kimi et cetera, et cetera, et cetera.

I can't believe I haven't reviewed Tokyo Crazy Paradise. I love it so much and I could've sworn I remembered reviewing it -.-


That aside, Houou Gakuen Misoragumi is a story of a homo. Yeah, it's that kind of story, but not in a bad way, otherwise I wouldn't have continued. The main character of this manga is Saeba Kei and she has an affinity for girls.

Yes, that's why "homo". 


You see the person with the short blue hair in the pictures? Yeap, that's her. 


Her mother, obviously worried, decided to forcefully enroll her into an all-boys' school, a trick which Kei realized too late. And that was the start of her torturous high school life.

However, as if it's not bad enough that she barfs whenever she comes in contact with guys - which is why she was donned the title "barfing prince" - she also finds out that she's in the school because of a very sadistic teenager called Yajin Yui. 

Thus her suffering begins.

The twist in the story is quite interesting. Can't beat the famous ones but it's bearable :) Plus, it's kinda emotional, unlike in Hana Kimi or Tokyo Crazy Paradise. I actually felt like crying at one point but sucked 'em all back in :P

Either way, this is a manga you might want to consider if you're bored or need something interesting to read. It's written and illustrated by Arata Aki. 

P/S: Please click on my Nuffnang ads :) Thanks!!

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