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Thursday, December 16, 2010


Ola :)

I can finally use my sister's laptop again :) Mwahaha. I haven't been blogging cause I haven't been going to my dad's office to use the WiFi. I had a chance yesterday, but decided not to -_- Bleghh~

Anyways, this post is for Tuesday, the 14th. I'll blog about Wednesday in the next post -_-


I can't seem to remember what time I woke up, but I'm quite sure my mom and I went to Yobo's. No wait, that was Wednesday, I think.

Ugh, I can't remember -_-


That aside, the only vivid thing I remember is having some kind of tuition marathon spanning from 4 o'clock to 9:30 -_- Three subjects: Add Maths, Modern Maths and History.

The absolute joy, right? -_-

The classes were fine though. I just know that I was really exhausted by the time everything ended. That was the first time I thought: Hey, I could've just as easily used the WiFi connection at Sean's house, but the laptop ain't exactly mine and I'd prefer my head to stay on my shoulders, so... -_-

Yeah, threw the thought to the very back of my mind.

After that, I came back home and had shake for dinner, I think. *Ten Ten TEN~~~~~!!!*


Can't remember, yeah -_-

Think I vaguely remember that I slept late, though, because my parents and aunt went out -_-


Yup, that's about all. Sorry can't remember much :) CIAO!!

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