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Saturday, October 27, 2012


Today's million-dollar question: Am I crazy or falling in love?

*          *          *

Is it really just another crush?

Ola :)

Finally, the long-awaited time for graduation has come. All those long hours of practising in that stinky music room with the booming sounds from the 'orchestra' outside was finally coming to an end.

Frankly speaking, there's no way in hell I'd miss the noise. I need my ears for various reasons, thank you.

Anyways, I woke up really early today. Woke up at 5:45a.m, bathed then pissed my mom off unintentionally when I woke her up to iron my blouse.

Yeah, probably not the best idea.


My dad sent me at around 6:45a.m and I reached the institute slightly before 7a.m. Got really mad when I found out the function actually really starts at 9a.m.

Naufifi arrived not long after, followed by Kanga, in a stunning ensemble. Cleo joined us soon after we assembled and we oggled her holeful thigh-high dress and black leggings. And damn were her heels high.

If I'm not wrong, Kanga said she could run in those O.O

Anyways, turns out the reason they had arranged it to be at 7:30a.m was so that more time could be given for registration.

I know, I know. How long can registration take, right?

Try about an hour O.O

There were still people registering even when the students were beginning to enter the hall.

Events soon started and, since I was assigned the honourable duty of writing the report for the school's magazine, I had to record everything into my phone so I wouldn't forget.

Quite unfortunately, when it was time to sing the national anthem, my teacher saw me using my phone - no doubt she was thinking I was texting someone - and ordered me to put it aside immediately.

Dude, you really think I, of all people, would be texting or doing things unrelated to the present situation or event for no good reason?

Woman, get off my back.

All that aside, after the national anthem was sung, we saw a slideshow by one of our classmates. T'was touching, to say the least. There was only one closeup of me, thank God.


After that, we heard three speeches from our Head Prefect, our Headmistress and the Yang Berbahagia dude. Wasn't too bad on the ears, I guess. Motivational, I can give them credit for that element in their speeches, at least.

The book thingymajing was then handed to us. After my class was called and those involved had taken the small booklet, the whole band of us went outside to prepare everything.

Won't deny, I was shaking like Pepper after a rainstorm. Giddy and completely high with anxiety.

Can't blame me, right? We had not practiced before that in the morning, so...

When they called us in, I was smiling like an idiot. Not because I wanted to, but because my muscles kinda froze after entering the hall.

Truth be told, it wasn't that bad. I liked how we sang My Wish. There was a glitch in Crush and Cleo didn't sing as well as usual, but then again, I forgot some stuff I wanted to do too, so...

Plus, I don't know if Cleo and Kanga felt the same, but I was shaking all the way. So bloody nervous.

Was glad when it was over. The ceremony continued and we returned to our seats.

Nothing much after that. I ate lunch with a bunch of friends then went home - after a crazy hunt for my guitar which I conveniently forgot about -.- There was a picture-taking frenzy too which I might or might not have tried to mostly stay out of.


Can't remember what I did after that, honestly. I just remembered my family and I - minus my mom because she had an alumni reunion at the Royal Lake Garden - went for dinner at Solaris. Tried the new menu and discussed about various stuff before going to PJ to see my gramps, whom had fallen a few days before.

At around 12, Dad got a call from Mom and we went home after my mom came back with my aunt.


That's about it, then. CIAO!!

P/S: Please click on my Nuffnang ads :) Thanks!!

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