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Saturday, September 22, 2012


Today's million-dollar question: What starts with 'M', ends 'A' and has the world's worst education system?

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Ola :)

Didn't go to school today. Trust me, that wasn't my intention. I set the alarm to ring at 6:10a.m and everything but my batteries just shut down when my mom came in.

When I woke up, it was to my aunt, going, "Eh, wake up! It's already 10, you know?"

... Wait, that my mom, not my aunt. She'd told my aunt to wake me up at 10:05a.m because I'd done that 'twinkle twinkle little star' gesture with my right hand.

Half an hour later - you didn't read that wrong - I woke up. I can't remember what I had for breakfast. That's if I had it, in the first place. Went down and used the computer to check my Nuffnang and blog again as usual. Aunt went out to work and I then started doing Add Maths Model Papers.

Lunch was at Kam Hei today. I had the mixed economy rice and iced water. I even set a quota on how much meat I could put on my plate O.O

And I did it all without my mom telling me to.

I know, I know, it's going to hail tonight :P

After returning home, I finished off the last of the model papers before going off to bathe. Slightly before 4 o'clock, I set up the table, chairs and water then waited for my Add Maths teacher to arrive.

She came soon enough and we talked about my memory problem - with Bio, essentially - before getting on to Add Maths stuff. We found my weak points, set the dates for our next class then parted ways.

Can't for the life of me remember what the heck I did after that, but I remember having some fish porridge and chicken for dinner. Since my dad and brother couldn't take the chicken - in fear it might aggravate their sore throats, I had a nice dinner :P

Think I slept at 1? After my mom stared at me taking me medicine, that is :P


P/S: Please click on my Nuffnang ads :) Thanks!!

P/S/S: That was a short post O.O

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