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Monday, June 14, 2010

V. B. Rose *Velvet Blue Rose*

Holy shit, I love this manga. Hell, you can die of cuteness overload by reading this. The story starts off with the main character, Shiroi Ageha, knowing about her beloved sister's, Shiroi Hibari, wedding. Having a huge sister complex, she was completely against the pair getting married because she declared she had not been spending time with her sister since they were engaged.

For some reason, I can understand :P

However, after shopping with her friend Sakashita Mamoru one day, she meets Arisaka Yukari. He recognizes the bag she was holding but didn't say anything. Aha, this is where I say I forgot to mention Ageha loves making stuff like bags and handkerchiefs and stuff like that. She has some kind of management but it's not THAT famous.

It's famous enough, though :P

They part and a few days after consenting to following Hibari to the bridal store where Hibari's dress was going to be made, Ageha finds out that the store is owned by Yukari and his friend Kuromine Mitsuya. But during one of the subsequent visits, Ageha lost her temper and injured Mitsuya's hand.

To atone for her ghastly mistake, she volunteers to finish her sister's gown.

Her job was to sew the beads on to the top half of the dress but she could not finish it in time for the wedding. She then realized Yukari and Mitsuya had expected her not to finish because it was quite an impossible task. However, after finding out Ageha had been busy sewing wedding rabbits as a surprise present for her sister *as a compensation for not understanding her standing before that* Mitsuya told Yukari, "If she had not done that, she could've finished the dress."


Soon after the wedding, Yukari tells Ageha that she can still help out in their store, the V.B.R, also known as Velvet Blue Rose. Ageha is ecstatic.

As time passes, Ageha realizes she is in love with Yukari. She can't stop thinking about him *and seriously, I think I know why :P* Unfortunately, after being told by Mitsuya that Yukari's last girlfriend was in high school with him and he never dated part-timers, Ageha was desperate to try and conceal her feelings, vowing never to reveal them.

Hehe, and what would you expect? In the third volume, Yukari finds out he's in love with Ageha because he began disliking Mitsuya's various acts of perversion like hugging Ageha out of sibling love *because he loves his little brother who's around the same age as Ageha*


Yukari getting jealous is hilarious :P Cause he actually drags Mitsuya to another room and says, "I think I'm jealous!" with a look of disbelief :P

Now you know why you can die of cuteness overload :P

Not to mention there are only bishoujo and bishounens in this manga. For those who do not know, it means super cute girls and super cute guys. I think I mentioned that already before this :P

Even the staff of V.B.R. and the classmates and passers-by look so cute :P


Anyways, this manga, unfortunately AGAIN, has not ended. It's already ended in Japan but they're slow in reaching Malaysia, obviously. Their tortoise-speed seriously annoys me sometimes. This manga can be read in It has 83 chapters in total but mangafox only has 29 chapters and is released monthly.


Okie then :) CIAO!!

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