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Monday, June 14, 2010

Tagged by Kim

1. Clare
2. Diana
3. Eunice
4. Sara
5. Adina
6. Amanda
7. Chloe 
8. YJiunn
9. Jackie
10. Nahd

1. Would you date number 5?
Hell no, no offense :P
2. Number 2 just got in a car crash. How do you react?
I'd hail a cab and rush to the hospital *if time permits* or I'd try going the next day with a gift basket :P

3. You see number 9 with your boy/girlfriend.
Etto... One problem. Me no boyfriend. 

4. You come home and your room has been ransacked by number 4.
Me kill her, very easy :P

5. Number 1 is acting weird.

6. Numbers 3 and 8 decide to give 10 a haircut.
Number 3 has the help of a perfectionist. They won't have much of a problem :P

7. Number 7 just got tickets for him/her and you to go to a concert.
And risk her squeezing the breath outta me? I'd go if she and I are sitting far away :P Joking :)

8. Number 10 takes you to a bar.
Nahh, I doubt she'd do that. Even if she did, she wouldn't take me :P

9. Number 4 has to move to the other side of the world.
She's technically there already, cause most of the time she ain't on Earth :P

10.You and number 8 are being chased by the cops for an unknown reason.
What? Her food? 

11. Number 7 and you are sitting on the couch watching a movie when he/her wrap his/her arm around you.
She ALWAYS has her arms wrapped around SOMEONE :P

12. Number 5 asks you out to dinner.
She has better things to do with her time :P

13. Number 9 and you are sitting on a bus.
As long as she ain't near enough to molest me :P

14. Number 6 calls you in the middle of the night because he/she can’t sleep.
I ain't got no phone. And she's got other better people who would gladly stay awake with her than me

15. Your walking with someone and number 6 runs up and tackles you to the ground from behind.
She's gonna have to become an overnight bodybuilder to do that :P

16. Number 1 is crying one day and you ask him/her why and it seems their boy/girlfriend has dumped them.
I'd castrate him, burn him alive till he's half dead, then use a pitchfork and dig his organs out, then move on to burying him in a cemetery like the civilized person I am :P
- Though let's all hope he doesn't have to go through all that *smirks*

17. Number 2 offers to bake you a meal. As you sit in the other room, the kitchen is suddenly aflame.
I'd have expected it :P

18. Number 5 comes to your door one day holding a koala.

19. Number 3 just got you an X-Box.
Thank you~~~~~~ :P Nahh, doubt it :P

20. Number 9 challenges you to a children’s card game.
She'd win :P *wink*

21. Number 1 thinks he/she’s overweight.
If she's overweight, then what am I? *shut up :P*

22. Number 7 looks lonely.
That would never happen. Jo Yee can't leave her alone.

23. Number 2 asks you rudely to go leave her/him alone.
I'd value my life and leave her alone

24. Numbers 5 and 3 decide to throw a surprise party for you.
Weird combination, but thanks :P

25. Number 6 decide to dye their hair black. What do you say?
"Don't! Your fluorescent green hair was MUCH better!!" -_- 

26. Number 2 tells you he/she is going to go out for a while, and then later you hear about a shooting where 2 went.
"Oh, she's playing L4D" :P

27. You catch number 9 by him/herself, crying.
The person that did that would have to watch out :P

28. Numbers 1 , 3 , 5, and 6 all tackle you at once! Is it possible?
I'm scared of 5 and 6. You don't know how they tackle, man :P

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