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Tuesday, June 15, 2010


Ola ola :P

I woke up quite late today since there was nothing going on in the morning -_- And even if I woke up, it was only because my mom threatened to not let me use the computer today if I didn't. Oh, and my grandparents came over.

For some reason my memory's really faulty nowadays, so I can't really remember exactly what I did in the morning, but I think it had something to do with the computer...

Ah, yes, I was helping my dad modify some appointment letter for a staff at the office. My dad's so fussy... Bleghh~

Then we had lunch. My grandma was supervising the maid in the kitchen. My dad and brother got into a little verbal fight because he wanted to go to Tesco with his friends to buy some stuff in preparation for the BBQ that night but my dad wouldn't let him.

My mom was pretty much against it too.

Lunch was alright. Had fish, chicken and some vegetables but that was all. After that, I continued playing with the computer and then followed my brother to Tesco in my grandparents' car *yes, my mom relented* because after that, my grandpa would drop my grandma and I off at the Smart Cut saloon near the marketplace.

Yeah, I was going to have my hair cut. My grandma had a lady but I had a guy. Today was the first time I got my hair washed by a guy in a saloon, seriously. He bleached the front part of his hair and the bottom part was brown I think.

I don't mind my hair now but the length didn't really change. I didn't really get to say anything because the chair was really low so I didn't know how long or short it was when he was done till I went back home. The whole thing cost my mom RM50. Me - RM20. Grandma - RM30. Don't ask why, I don't know.

After that, my grandpa came in and sent us back home. Talked for a little while more, I watched TV, and then I went downstairs to send my grandparents off. Following that, I continued using the computer until it was time to go for MC English tuition class.

Bleghh~ I was first to arrive again, duh, but today's class wasn't so funny. That would be because we were watching a scary movie called "Silence Of The Lamb" and it involved this guy named Hannibal Lecter who was a very renowned psychiatrist until he became crazy and ate the victims he killed. But he was already behind bars when the movie started. He was supposed to help the FBI catch a new psychotic serial killer who went by the name Buffalo Bill.

His name is Buffalo Bill because all his victims were big sized. Why? Because he wanted their skin. Yes, freaky, I know. He would starve them first so their skins would go loose and then kill them. After that, he would skin them and make stuff out of their skin.


The whole time I was drawing in the dark, trying to ignore the screams and the ripping and the most gruesome sounds the movie was projecting. Bleghh~

Thank God they stopped it soon, because our lesson only lasts so long :P

And now I'm back home :) Just ate mi sedap, had Milo, soup, some chicken and fish. Yeah~ Tuition tomorrow at Sean's house was cancelled, don't ask why, I don't know :P Bad news is there's tuition on Thursday. The joy~ -_-


I just watched the 10th episode of Hakuouki Shinsengumi Kitan. I absolutely love it. Don't ask why, I don't know :P

Maybe it's cause of all the bishounen :) Mwahaha~

Now I'm watching Maid Sama! Hey, I've got like 4 episodes of that to watch because I've been waiting for them to accumulate :P

Should not do that -_-

Okie dokie then. I shall sign off now :) CIAO!!

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