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Friday, May 7, 2010


Thank God~ It's finally the weekend. I get so cranky whenever I have to wake up early for school cause I keep waking up in the middle of the night to go to the toilet. And after I do, I always have to check the clock if it's already 6 because sometimes I wake up at around 1 something and end up changing for school so early in the morning.


Did the same thing today -_-

Went to school and was thinking of skipping the librarian briefing but decided not to. Good thing too, cause I had to explain to the President about our progress on the librarian board. After the briefing, we went downstairs to the hall and had our assembly.

The Muslims did their prayers whilst the Moral students read their books. I finally remembered to bring Dina's "Thirst" book to school. Mwakaka. So I read it whilst they were praying.

After that, we went upstairs. First subject today was Seni and we had to complete our Seni file outta nowhere so everyone started to do whatever unfinished - or lost - assignments during the two periods. I have quite a number to finish as well -_-

Sejarah came next but our teacher didn't turn up so we went to the library. Dellie and I *after our Vice Prez 1 told us he was going to check our shelves* decided to arrange the books in our shelves together because ours were side by side *thank God*

During recess, we also stayed in the library. But that was after I signed in :P

After recess we had Geo and Kanga, Cleo, Danya and I were thinking of going to Mr Arm for the thingymajing but he didn't come to school so we had to postpone it again to Monday. Great. What a day to postpone it to -_-

That aside, after a little more jamming in the surau place, I went back upstairs for Geo. Had some work so I finished that first. The last subject for today was BM and we discussed our Peribahasa stuff with our BM teacher. Finally paid my fees today :) Woo~ I decided I liked this teacher and didn't wanna trouble her so I paid :P

Not that I disliked the teachers last year and last last year, but I didn't like them as much as I liked Cik Sri Devi to pay my fees :P

After BM, school ended but I had my librarian duties so after eating my sandwich outside the library, I went inside to help Dellie arrange the books on our shelves again. It's not the best thing on Earth, but I like it all the same :) But it was kinda frustrating to know you have to keep moving books around when you find one that's supposed to be slid in between somewhere :P

Plus alien books *books that belong to other shelves -_-* Bleghh~

A little while after that, the President and Danya and I's pet sis *ZunZen* told all the probates in the library that they were having a meeting so we had to handle the library. Yeah~ So we pretty much managed the library for about an hour or so.

Felt so good to tell the prefects off. MWAHAHA! :P I love being in control in the library, especially if you've got some kind of vendetta against prefects :P

Am listening to "I Stand Alone" :)

Managed to finish arranging my shelf and Dellie's shelf with the help of Becca. Dellie had to go back home at 1 so I had to take it from there. Since Becca had nothing to do since her shelf was already arranged, she helped me.

And after we finished my shelf, we helped Danya with her shelf. You're welcome :P

Soon, 2:30 came and I had to go back home. It was raining, though, but I still had to go to my brother's school where my mom was waiting :(

When I came back, I charged my iPod then went to bathe and eat and stuff like that. At around 4:30 I set off towards my dad's shop to print something out before going to Sean's house for tuition. Tuition was alright, I think.

We did some homework here and there and listened to some music on the way :) Viv cut her hair but she still looks okay.

After lessons, we went back home and Sean tagged along to my house because his piano was being sent for repairs. His mom asked if he could tumpang the one in our house and we said okay.

We did some Improvisations and I had Mi Sedap :) Woo~

Then my mom came back but Sean still practiced. Haha~ So funny :P

His mom came soon and they went back. She asked if I wanted to join them for a drink but I firmly refused because I don't think my mom would want me to go out so late and because I'm already... well... this size -_-


Okie then. This is all for today :) Will update tomorrow if possible. CIAO!!

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