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Sunday, July 17, 2011


Today's million-dollar question: What hurts the most?

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Ola :)

I woke up at 7:30 today because my sister and I were going to head up to my grandparents' place after sending my brother off to school. He was going for that Taylor's Accounting exam - or somewhere along those lines - so we wished him luck then went off.

Our journey was entertaining - especially since we burnt the new CD and put it into the Teana. Funny thing was, my sister missed going up the bridge and instead went under it, so we had to take a detour. Haha.

Not long after we reached their house, we left again to get lo mai kai for breakfast. My aunt wanted hot cakes from McD's too, so...


After having breakfast, my sister and I went upstairs to watch some episodes of Castle that I had put inside my iPad. She slept after the last two episodes whilst I continued downloading episodes of Zero no Tsukaima into my iPad :) Hehe.

Had lunch at around 10 minutes to 1 o'clock. Had some guavas as our "dessert", then went back home. The drive back was long and relaxing. Haha.



When I came back home, I watched Zero no Tsukaima until it was time for my Theory class. Freaked out because I couldn't find my Exam papers. Turns out they were with my teacher. Praise the Lord my aunt was talking to Sean at that point of time. Thing was, I forgot to bring both my manuscript book as well as my 2007 exam paper. O_O I was so embarrassed, I wanted to hide under a rock.

I had to share books/exam papers with Sean -_-

After class, I went home and charged my iPad whilst watching Zero no Tsukaima. My sister called me down soon after because she insisted I accompany her -_- Listened to Megan Nicole's B-E-A-utiful song that Kurt Hugo Schneider helped to produce. It was nice :)

Had dinner at Go Sushi. I know, the world must've gone wrong somewhere, right? Haha. I absolutely love green tea-flavoured ice cream.


At home, after my sister finished packing her stuff, I helped her tie a french braid that Danya taught me a few weeks before - or was it a few months before? - and if I must say so myself, I think I did a pretty good job. Haha.

Then, at 10 something, my parents and aunt sent my sister off to the airport. I, on the other hand, stayed at home and used her laptop. Did I mention she brought my iPad with her? Yeah, since it would be lighter on her shoulders as well :)


Besides, I got her laptop so it's a win-win situation, yes?


Guess what? At 11 something, when I checked my blog, I saw so many people who came to my blog because of the B-E-A-utiful song that I posted in the previous post.

MWAHAHAHA. Yes, please, up my traffic :)

Anyways, at 12:30, my parents and aunt came back so we all went to sleep :) So that's about it, then. CIAO!!

P/S: Please click on my Nuffnang ads :) Thanks!!

P/S/S: That night, at 2 a.m, my sister left for Germany. Lucky pig :P


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