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Tuesday, July 26, 2011


Today's million-dollar question: What's your interpretation of a mermaid?

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Ola :)

Woke up at 8 something close to 9 today. My dad came in and whispered, "Oi, you don't wanna go and buy your baking stuff now ah?"

Yeah~ You see, we'd just recently found out that our microwave was also an oven, so I got really excited and insisted I wanted to bake as fast as possible. Even so, I couldn't do anything without the ingredients, my aunt brought me to the baking store she brought me to a few weeks back - when I went to Haylie's house for that baking session/lesson.

Felt like I was in heaven. I bought a cake tin, grease paper, a sifter, a mixing bowl, vanilla essence, baking powder and a cake tester. Well, at least, my aunt foot-ed the bill :P

When I came home, I wanted to get to work immediately, but then - taking another look at the recipe book - I realized I was missing some things. So, with my maid, we went back to the store - which was open till 7 o'clock - we bought a swiss-roll tin, a chiffon mould, caster sugar and cream cheese. You see, I wanted to make a swiss roll. I admit, it was a little adventurous for a mere beginner like me, but I still wanted to do it anyway.

Well, maybe I was a little too adventurous.

It didn't turn out well, I can tell you that much. The swiss-roll tin that I bought? It was too big for the oven. As if that wasn't bad enough, even if we managed to put it in, it couldn't rotate. Tried it without the rollers, but since the heat was only coming from one side of the oven, the batter was only baking on that side.

Wee~, right? -_-

We tried to cut out the burnt part - yes, the burnt part - and cook only the uncooked portion after that. Wasn't too bad. After deciding it was baked enough, we took it out and got started on the cream. Bleghh~ The cream wasn't the issue. The issue was the fact that we couldn't roll the bloody thing after spreading the cream.

Swiss-roll became flat-roll.

Yes, you may laugh. I swear, I was laughing my buttocks off too -_-

It looked retarded. Seriously. I decided to chill it a little in the freezer, since I thought just putting it in the fridge wouldn't do it any good.

Even so, my brother - who risked getting food poisoning from the flat-roll - said it was actually nice. My mom thought so too, except it was too sweet. Haha. Ditto, man. Ditto.

After that, I used the computer a little more before going up to bed. I originally wanted to blog, but then I stopped because I felt too sleepy to continue where I left off - which was actually mid-way through this post - so... yeah :)

That's about it for the 25th :) CIAO!!

P/S: Please click on my Nuffnang ads :) Thanks!!

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