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Saturday, March 19, 2011


Ola :) I'm sorry I haven't been blogging for the past five days. I'm gonna come right out and say that I was most probably lazy to -_-

Nonetheless, I'm going to tell you a little story.

Since I was a youngster, I had always thought that only one accessory mattered to me. I used to think that having it would make me complete and that I would be satisfied.

Well, that 'something' is a handphone.

I used to pester my parents into getting me one because all my other friends had it. And it got to the extent where they grew sick and tired of hearing it from me. So, they proposed that if I got straight A's for my UPSR, they would actually get me one. Of course, from that statement, I drew the question: What if I don't get straight A's?

To which the reply was: You cannot ask us for a handphone anymore until you get your own money to buy it when you start working.

It became my sole goal to studying.

But it just wasn't meant to be. When my parents and I went to get my results on the fated day, I only scored four A's and one B. My parents knew what it meant and I knew what it meant.

No handphone for me.

Since then, my perspective of having-a-handphone-is-everything changed. I did not pester my parents anymore and honestly, it didn't feel bad NOT having a phone.

Now I'm sixteen and four years have passed since I gave up my handphone dream. Guess what happened?

I got a phone.

Uh-huh, uh-huh, you didn't read that wrong. My aunt bought me the Sony Ericsson W20i phone :) Heehee.

It's alright, of course. Took quite a while to choose it too cause I was surprisingly picky about which phone I wanted. I asked my mom what the budget was and she was like "I dunno. See first la."

The phone ain't exactly original, but I just needed one that could call and SMS, so... :) could've gotten the touch-screen kind with the WiFi but bleghh, I don't need it :)


So now I have a phone. Mwahaha.

But I have to charge it a little longer than necessary first before I get to use it.

As for what actually happened today, you'll have to read the next post :)


P/S: Nuffnang ads please :) Thanks!!

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