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Tuesday, March 22, 2011


Ola :) I haven't been blogging, I know, but I haven't really had the opportunity to be with my iPad for a while now, so... :)

So, the 20th of March was a total bummer. Number one reason is because it was the last day of our holiday week. I was dreading the re-opening of school because I dreaded waking up early again.

The only up side is that now I get to wake up to my own selected music, and not just the chirping of birds. Why?

My mom insisted I use my phone's alarm instead of my iPad.

Haha, my phone, :P

I'm so lame, right?


Anyways, on Sunday, I woke up, bathed, did whatever I was supposed to do in the morning then proceeded downstairs where I must have used either my iPad or the Mac.

Notice the unsure terms like did whatever I was supposed to and must have? It's because I can't remember.

The joy, right?

Oh, but I do remember I had a really, really weird dream. It starts off like this: I was walking into one of those really big buildings with glass windows. And you know how sometimes, in dreams, you can't really explain how things are in your dreams? Well, I don't know why, but my mom's ex-student was one of those helping people in the building and gave me special access to the building places.

Guess what the building actually was?

A cinema.

Well, I don't know if it really was a cinema, but it had those functions like you can watch movies there and stuff~

So this time, I was supposed to watch Harry Potter. I swear, I had the thinking that it would be the 2nd part to the Deathly Hallows, except this one was nothing like it.

Do you remember the troll in the first movie that attacked Harry, Ron and Hermione in the girls' bathroom after she ran off crying?

That same troll was in my dream.

'Cept this time, there was two of 'em and they were on a boat. Don't ask how it's possible they could fit. They just could, alright? It wasn't a small boat. It was big. Big enough to put the two of them on it and still maintain a sturdy shape.

But, being a boat, it was swaying left and right because of the sea. It was raining too.

Again, don't ask why -_-

Then, suddenly, out of the blue, spears came from all directions and pierced the troll. I used the singular version of the word because it was only aimed at one of the trolls. Blood gushed and flowed freely, staining the surface of the boat with its murky red colour.

But here's the funny part.

After that, something emerged from the waters of the storming sea. It was huge, blue and possessed a glint in its eyes.

It was...

A fish.

You may laugh.

But it was hardly as funny as how it seems now. I was really scared in my dream, though it was technically a movie. Not to mention the fish started clawing the skin off the second troll before skinning the first one.


Then I woke up.


Back to reality, we went to have lunch at Kana Curry House nearby my grandparents' place because that's where we were headed after lunch.

Damn, it was jam-packed with people.

I didn't think they were doing so well. Eventually, we found a place outside and ordered whatever food we wanted. In conclusion, I loved lunch :) I didn't order roti telur though *surprise surprise* because I decided the rest of our orders would pretty much do the job :P

After the very filling lunch, we set off to our grandparents' place. They were gracious in receiving us and we stayed there until a little after 5. I even managed to catch a few winks before we left to...

*Dramatic music*

... Mid Valley~

We were originally headed there to fix my mom's two watches and my watch, but we ended up staying for dinner there as well :) Heehee. Had a Chinese dinner, though, at Canton-i. Didn't wanna go there, but didn't have much of a say in that matter -_-

Coming back home, my mom insisted I go to bed by 10, latest, so I didn't have much time to enjoy the rest of my evening.


That's about it :) CIAO!!

P/S: Please click on my ads :) Thanks!!

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