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Tuesday, March 8, 2011


~Blogged about the 5th in the previous post :) Enjoy~

Okay, I woke up at Lord-knows-what-time today. Probably not really early since it's a Sunday. Haha. Nonetheless, I was going to have English class at home today with my brother - he had already come back from his Pandan-Lake-Club game of badminton outing - because that's when our Madame decided to replace her class.

My mom was teaching downstairs when we were having our lesson. Wasn't bad, of course. It never is. Great news is that my brother finally finishing his first essay - need I emphasize more? :P - under the guidance of the Madame, who probably has the patience of a saint, in my brother's case, for a month.

I finally got homework too, after a two-week-interval - the first because it was the second day I got my seizure and the second being the lesson I did not have homework because I left for Theory before she could assign any.

The lesson started at 2 o'clock and ended at four o'clock. We bade her a very friendly goodbye, then rushed to get ourselves prepared to go out to Sunway Pyramid for a promotion by Dad's company.

My ex-music teacher picked us up and we all set course for Sunway Pyramid. My mom and my ex-music teacher cum pretty-much-family member were so tempted to buy things from the stores that had the big red words "SALE" plastered on their display windows. In the end, they relented to British India and I was made to wait for them for about half an hour or so before they finally decided to leave for our actual destination.

The Blue Atrium section of Sunway Pyramid.

The place was very nicely set up, you can say. Lots of instruments and people with the official uniform. All except my aunt, who was only there due to a last minute change in promoters.


Had a mini-concert at 6:30p.m. to watch so we couldn't eat dinner before then. That's why my dad gave my brother and I some cash to buy something to fill our stomachs before our dinner. I got a tuna danish and my brother chose some weird Black Pepper Chicken Bun.

I know -_-

The concert was nice. Couldn't help but move to the beat. Oh, and there was this one lady who was actually waving her hands around to the beat when one of the performers played a mashup of Dancing Queen *from ABBA* and other oldies' songs.

The winner of the Yamaha Electone Idol *somewhere among those lines :P* played his winning piece too, which was the theme to one of the Chinese movies, Wong Fei Hong.

After the concert, we finally had our dinner with my ex-music teacher, Sotong, a promoter, two of the performers who played an Ensemble titled "Following The Wind" by Yoshihiro Andou and my family.

And of course, me :P

We went to Canton-i. Wasn't my first choice, of course. I'll always pick FullHouse when we go somewhere that has that outlet :P

But no~ My dad was kinda sick of that place already :P


Nice dinner :)

Left soon after and I retired to bed after studying a little Physics :) CIAO!!

P/S: PLEASE click on my Nuffnang ads by the side of the site :) Thanks!!

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