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Sunday, March 13, 2011


~Blogged about the 12th in the previous post :) Enjoy~  

Woke up at 9:30a.m. today, but didn't wanna get up so soon, so I played Miriel the Magical Merchant for a while. Went out of my room at like 11 something to sit down in front of the TV and watch it for a while :P Haha.

Then, at 12, I ran on the treadmill -_-

Half an hour later, I wanted to follow my mom, aunt and brother out to switch the Naza car with the Nissan that my dad brought, so I just changed my shirt and hopped in. My mom was super angry with my dad because he misunderstood that my sister was to arrive back home at 4:30, not 12:30.

So you understand why my mom was mad -_-

After the switch - since the place of the switch was near my Bangsar tuition - we decided to have some Subway because I knew there was one near my tuition. There was McD's too, but I couldn't push my luck, right? :P

My brother and I went to order the sandwiches. Looked so cool :P

Once at home, we indulged in the sin of Subway then I went upstairs to bathe. After that, I charged my iPad whilst playing Miriel the Magical Merchant :P

Sorry, it's quite an addictive game.

Expensive too. It cost 4.99 US dollars. No joke, eh?

I asked my mom's permission, okay?

Later, I used the Mac for a while to finish off Gulliver's Travels *it was really cute :P* then looked through some manga options on MangaFox just until my mom and dad decided to go to KLCC to do some shopping.



Notice the sarcasm -_-

It was agony following my mom around to look at clothes. I wasn't even allowed to go off to Kinokuniya, Video Ezy or Rock Corner on my own! My dad was persistent to have me around this time and I don't know why -_-


In the end, I spent 1++ hour(s) walking around Isetan looking at clothes, then more stuff on the men's floor then Quiksilver for my brother's stuff.

Since it was gonna be his birthday soon, my parents wanted to get him a present, so...


When we finally had dinner, it was eight o'clock and it was at Koryo-Won. Not bad, I guess :P The beef was delicious. So was the chicken, but I preferred the beef :P Mwahaha.

After that, we did a little last minute shopping at Isetan for my brother's comforters and some kitchen cutleries before finally leaving the place at 9:45 close to 10.

Came back not long ago and released Snowy out to the road for a short while for her to do her business before letting her in again. Used the iPad for a while, and now I'm here on the Mac, blogging.

My parents actually want me up now -_- Gotta go, then :) CIAO!!

P/S: Nuffnang ads please :) Thanks!!

P/S/S: Saw this really nice book in Isetan's stationaries' side, but my mom said no to buying it :( It was so nice too~ :P

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