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Wednesday, June 1, 2011



Clearly many people mistake blogs as a waste paper basket to regurgitate the pessimistic shit they go through in life.

You know, sometimes, you can look at the good things you have. Think about that the next time you feel like spouting sob stories.

*          *          *

God, my mom woke me up at eight something this morning. She told me I was supposed to see the doctor today so I had no choice but to wake up :(

My mom first had to send my sister to KLCC because she had to go for her camp. Sent her late, though, cause we wanted to find my blood test report first. After sending my sister to KLCC, we went back home and continued searching for the report. I eventually found it, of course, in the middle room where we kept our books, and left shortly after.

Visited my grandparents first. The pastors were already there, supporting my grandma with His holy words and prayers. I think that it really helps her that they're there, especially my very religious and staunch Christian aunt because my grandma needs that kind of support. Without it, I shudder to think how depressed my grandma would always feel.

Anyways, after talking a little more, they left and my aunt, mom and I went to see Dr Pang. There, the doctor went through my blood test report and told us that I had more male hormones than female hormones and that I was reaching the post menopause stage. The normal hormone count for a female was 700-670 but I was 145, close to the 120 mark, which was the post menopause stage.


I mean, to me, it wasn't a big deal, but the thing was, it wasn't healthy. The doctor said that soon I'd need to buy a shaver for my mustache -_-


In order to prevent that, I'd have to exercise and not eat unhealthy food. She began suggesting some dietary measures I could take in order to control my weight. We also found out that I could've been having fits due to my starving myself in order to lose weight.

Like, not taking meals at the right time?


When I thought about it, I skipped my recess time that day during the Teacher Day performance auditions.

Screw my condition.

Yeah, so the doctor recommended some more interesting ways I could have my meals which included having a waffle maker as well as an oven.

You don't know how hard I was rejoicing when I heard that :P


After seeing the doctor, we went back to my grandparents' place where we had lunch. Lovely lunch I had, with fish, two kinds of veggie as well as a veggie soup. After that, we mostly chilled about and I watched TV. They were showing Glee at 2 something so I watched that until it was time to go back home.

Once at home, I used my iPad and read Koukou Debut *a.k.a. High School Debut* until I remembered I'd wanted to watch "Legend of the Seeker" since I saw the advert when I was in Tanjong Puteri. Haha.

The synopsis was interesting on Wikipedia, so... :)

You got me, I'm loading it on YouTube right now as I'm typing this :P I'm also downloading it into my iPad using SaveAll. God, I love that app :P


That's about it for the time being. Not much to be said anyway. Oooh, my sister and I started on Truth again yesterday so I might spend the rest of the night writing that :) Heehee.

Well then, CIAO!!

P/S: Please click on my Nuffnang ads :) Thanks!!

P/S/S: Know that I'll always be here for you.

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