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Friday, June 10, 2011


It's better to be silent and be thought a fool than to open one's mouth and remove all doubt.

- Albert Einstein -

* * *

Ola :)

I woke up at around eight something nearing nine, but only got up when my mom came in. We were all going to my grandparents' place, so obviously, we left early. My sister drove there this time and in the car, we listened to one of Brandenburg's Concertos. I really loved two of the tracks. One of 'em was a familiar piece but I can't place where I've heard it before, but the second favourite was because it reminded me of one of those dances from Pride and Prejudice :)

Awesome, I know :P

Anyways, when we reached my grandparents' place, I greeted my grandparents and my aunt, then watched Marmalade Boy on my iPad :) Heehee. I'd been meaning to watch that, but I didn't know till only the night before that they actually uploaded those videos on YouTube too.

I know, right?

Unfortunately, my dad told me that using the Personal Hotspot thingymajing on his iPhone was costing him, so I wasn't allowed to use it :(

Thankfully I had downloaded some episodes on SaveAll the evening before.


Had a very nice lunch at twelve something, after my aunt came back from some grocery shopping with my grandpa. There was my favourite fish and three different kinds of veggies. Of course, I didn't touch the "petai".


At 1:05, my mom insisted that we all went home because she had to teach at two o'clock so after a very abrupt goodbye to our grandparents, with a dash of good reminders to my grandma, we left the house and set sail for home.

Once at home, my mom taught one more student before leaving to the office to teach some more and I played Diner Dash on my sister's iPhone. Haha. Know why? She's currently hooked on one of iPad games called Miriel's Adventure - or something like that.

Yeah~ She had intended on playing the Bubble Xplode game. But she caught sight of the other game and, unfortunately, got addicted.


At four something, my sister decided to make the homemade spaghetti we had planned for dinner. Obviously, I was made to help. It was really fun, though. My sister actually took pictures on her iPhone but since it ain't with me, I can't put 'em up here. Sorry :P

The outcome was good. We ended up having to add more tomatoes and I kinda burnt a little of the noodles, but it tasted nice all the same. We had to add a little soy sauce to the sauce too, because before that, all we could taste was tomatoes.



Fetched our brother back from Universal at 7 o'clock and he ate the spaghetti too. He said it was nice and that the only problem was that we didn't add enough oil in the noodles so it all stuck together :P

Hey, it's our first time, alright? Be a little more merciful :P


After that, I used the computer and searched high and low for my Yumeiro Patissiere CD because I had a sudden urge to watch it again. I found the first CD in the cover and the second one in the Avatar CD cover :P

I know, right?

I recently finished watched the tenth episode - I think - because my parents called for me after that. It's 11:25 at the moment so I've gotta go sleep soon :)

Tomorrow, I've decided to study my Physics and Chemistry before my teacher chooses to kick me out of his class :(

That's about it, then. CIAO!!

P/S: Please click on my Nuffnang ads :) Thanks!!

P/S/S: I charged my phone the whole night yesterday and throughout the whole day today and it still reads 98%??

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