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Wednesday, September 8, 2010


Ola :)

Let's see... Tuesday eh? I probably woke up late. Like at... 10 something nearing 11 -_- Didn't do much, I can remember that. I've been very lazy nowadays, especially since it's the holidays. Am always reminding myself that PMR is less than a month away though.


PMR, curse you.

Then again, I do wanna get it over and done with.

But after that, I've got to re-take my Grade 5 Yamaha Exam.


Am already starting on Kemahiran Hidup, though, cause I probably need loads of help with that. Oh, but I'm still brooding over not knowing how to improve on my BM, though I'm taking down more efficient notes in my blue hard-cover book.

Just have to memorize 'em -_-

Oh, and KOMSAS as well. At least then I can assure the last ten questions will be no problem.


Am still reading manga. That would be my fault. I should just delete all of 'em so nothing stands between me and studying -_-

Anyways, had English tuition on Tuesday. Class was fun. We did some preposition-game that consisted describing some stuff on the transparency to a friend with just prepositions. The partner ain't supposed to look and you're not supposed to make any movements indicating how to draw the picture.


English is more complicated than it seems. I never thought it could matter, with all the Grammar and shit.


Go English :P

Then I came back and started using the computer again. Slept early, though, at around 10 something, listening to my iPod because I was really tired. Though, I knew it wouldn't help in waking up earlier the next day -_-


That's about all :) CIAO!!

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