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Friday, September 3, 2010


Ola. Sorry I didn't blog about the latter half of my day where I left off in the last post.

I went to school, like I said before and got most of my results:

English - 84% *disgusting, I know. It's because of my first paper -_-*
Science - 85% *higher than my English??*
History - 75% *an improvement, but gotta work on it*
Geography - 70% *an improvement, but I'm workin' on it*
Kemahiran Hidup - 63% *a miracle if I get an A*
Bahasa Melayu - 72% *that is one hell of an improvement :P がんばって!! :P*

I would tell you my Maths results, but I don't know 'em -_- Bleghh~ That was what I was looking forward to too -_- Bleghh~

I stayed back too until 2:30 so I could try out that new place at the condo. Apparently the handlers have changed so everything else has also been changed.

At 1:10 p.m, Kanga, Cleo and I left to the condo. I tried their new spaghetti that cost a heartbreaking RM5 and to "top" it all off, it wasn't that good either. Maybe cause it wasn't pork -_- I don't know why, I guess I like the sauce better when it's got pork in it.

For someone who's born in the year of a pig, that's quite disturbing news, eh? :P

Anyways, it wasn't filling either, so I got another plate of nasi lemak with fried egg. Bleghh~ Four bucks and the rice wasn't good. Maybe if they used something to make it more appetizing, it would be better.

Came back home then.

I don't think I did anything fruitful. I went online, blogged two posts, then went to tuition. Yeah~ Yesterday we combined classes with the other class and had Pn Zai. She made us do the Tatabahasa part of the PMR Test Papers for year 2005 and 2006.

Not bad, actually, but I have to widen my BM vocabulary.

Sat next to Jas as usual, but freaked at one point during class when I found out that one of Em's friends actually played with a spider and let it loose. Plus, it was underneath the chair that belonged to the person who sat two seats away from me.

Immediately put my legs up. Hell no was I gonna put 'em down.

Eventually she killed it, though, thank God :P I mean, I'm sorry that I hate spiders and insist on them being killed on sight, but I can't stand being in the same vicinity as them.

May the little thing rest in peace.

I envy people who aren't afraid of cockroaches and spiders. God bless them -_-

At 8 o'clock, I went home and did some work, used the computer for a while, played with my mom's iPhone because I installed a new one and then watched TV with her after 11 o'clock. Can you believe we were watching Golden Dragon Gate? The one with Nicholas Tse and Donny Yen.


Then we watched The Nanny before finally going to sleep cause nothing else was interesting :P

Besides, we decided I'd skip school the next day :P


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