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Sunday, October 31, 2010


Ola :)

I woke up late today. At around 10 something. And even then it was because my maid woke me up to tell me that Cleo was on the phone and that Kanga wasn't gonna make it.

Ahh, and the fact that she was going to go to the clinic because her brother was ill or something like that.

As I had time, I used the computer, watching Kimi Ni Todoke, which is an anime that's actually worth watching right now. It's better than most of the recent animes I've been watching. That's complete, of course. As for incomplete, I still love Shinrei Tantei Yakumo, which translates to Spirit Detective Yakumo.

God, Yakumo's so cute.

I tried watching Mutsu Enmei-Ryu: Shura No Toki too on Anime Season but...



Well, let's just say because it's a chronology of three different generations of the Mutsu Enmei-Ryu *The Mutsu Enmei Technique [which is a sword fighting style]* it doesn't end properly. Plus, the drawings weren't that nice because Yakumo's body looked too buff for him to be able to move around -_-


I didn't even get past the eighth episode.

The next anime I tried to watch *or rather, rewatch* was Card Captor Sakura, and that's cause I wanted to see Shaoran.

God, he's cute :P

But I got bored after that -_-

Then I started watching Kimi Ni Todoke and liked it. Actually, I watched the first episode a few months ago, but I never got around to getting past the first episode. Was thinking about continuing it.

And obviously, I liked it :)

I'm currently 4 episodes from the last episode :)

I'll definitely review it when I'm done :)

Anyways, getting back to my day today, I skipped shake because it was getting quite late. Plus, we ran out of the strawberry-flavored F1 and I wasn't in the mood for anything else.

Waited for a while before Cleo finally came, and that was in the afternoon. I was famished by then so I asked my dad *who was resting upstairs* if he could give me money to buy my lunch with Cleo. He suggested he, my mom, Cleo and I have lunch together and I agreed.

Went to the same place as the last time we had lunch together :)

Came back earlier than my parents and watched the clips I wanted Cleo to watch, which were the Twilight Parody and some other Sam Tsui videos. Then, we researched Sam Tsui on Wikipedia *such stalkers, right? :P* and found out they use Garage Band, which was one of the applications in iMacs and other Apple products.

Opened the Garage Band in the iMac and tried to toy around with it but -_-


Never mind~

Did our "work" after that :)

Bathed at around 3:30 before going to Theory class. Brought Cleo along. She drew the pictures outside whilst I had my class. Class was okay, I guess :) Am going to be learning Grade 8 Theory stuff now.


After class, I went back home with Cleo and continued with our "work" a little more before we went to Summer Feels for dinner, in which we were joined by my brother and Sean. When we finished our food and paid the bill, we went to choose a movie to watch.

Bought Avatar: The Last Airbender. I know that it's gotten really bad reviews, but I wanted to watch it anyway. I mean, it's like with Twilight, New Moon and Eclipse. I wanna watch it even though people say it's bad.


Browsed the night market for anything Cleo would wanna have for dinner because she didn't have enough money to buy anything from Summer Feels.

Figures, right? :P

Returned home then and watched Avatar, after Cleo ate her dinner. Haha. After she left, we watched the video, because her dad had already come to my house to pick her up :(

Avatar. Hmm... -_- It's actually quite a good show, if you don't compare it to the cartoon, which is a gazillion times better. The only thing I didn't like about it was the whole race thing *which I think was the producer's way of improving the movie so it'll be easier to differentiate. In a way, I can understand. It's like a portrayal of our own world, in it's own sense :)* as well as the way the names were pronounced.

What the hell is "Ung"? And "Eeroh"?? And "Suuka"???

Every friggin' time they say "Ung" I get so pissed. Bloody stupid.

That was probably the worst flaw ever. The whole pronunciation slip-ups.


That's about all :) Sean left after that. Oh, which reminds me, I'm going to Jazzy's house tomorrow with him for her Halloween Party. If I can't get a hat around the house, I'll just scratch it.

Haha :)


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