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Monday, December 8, 2008


Guess what? I've finished Danya's story. It's super awesome and I don't think I can top any other story for a while. Anyways, I AM working on another story. It's about a girl who liked a guy but something happened and she was heartbroken *or something like that* and she decided to write a story. It became a bestseller and the guy wanted her back but she refused him and he nearly committed suicide.

Then came the reason why he couldn't accept her before.

But I ain't gonna tell you, tch. If I tell you the whole story, why would I write it in the first place? Common sense, woman.

But just as a spoiler, her name's Ezmeria LeSabre.

No, I didn't get that name from Esme. I like that name because it doesn't exist. Why do you think in Danya's story there are names like Lukeus and such? Anyway, all the characters in my book are gonna have names that don't exist. Like... Freszera, oh, that's nice. That's the principal's name.

Yes, I want to try to make that story better than Danya's story. Not in the sense that Danya's story is trash *in fact, it's great*, but in the sense that I want to make much better stories in future. If they say Danya's story is still better than that story, I'm going to have to work much harder to give the reader suspense.

Che che, help me k? :P

Ciao, little bloggie!

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