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Friday, February 12, 2010

Words beginning with "E"

Mind you, these are words I fancy. Not all the words beginning with the letter "E" -_-

1. Ebon - *literary* dark brown/black; ebony.
2. Ebullient - cheerful/full of energy.
3. Educe - *formal* bring out or develop something latent/potential.
4. Effulgent - *literary* shining brightly, radiant.
5. Egregious - outstandingly bad; shocking. *archaic* - remarkably good.
6. Eina - pain/trouble.
7. Elate - make someone ecstatically  happy. *archaic* - in high spirits/exultant/proud.
8. Eldritch - weird and sinister/ghostly.
9. Elegize - write in a wiftfully mournful way.
10. Emasculate - deprive a man of his male role/identity; castrate.
11. Embalm - preserve a corpse from decay, to preserve in an unaltered state. *archaic* - give a pleasant fragrance to.
12. Embitter - make someone feel bitter/resentful.
13. Embosom - *literary* take/press someone/something to one's bosom; embrace.
14. Embower - *literary* surround/shelter a place/person with trees/climbing plants.
15. Embrocation - a liquid used to relieve pain from strain/sprains.
16. Embroil - involve someone deeply in an argument/conflict/difficult situation.
17. Emend - make corrections/revisions to a text; alter.
18. Emetic - *of a substance* causing vomiting.
19. Émigré - emigrant.
20. Emi Koussi - a volcanic mountain in the Sahara, the highest peak on the Tibesti Mountains.
21. Emollient - 1. having the quality of softening/soothing the skin. 2. attempting to avoid confrontation/anger; calming/conciliatory.
22. Emolument - *formal* a salary/fee/profit from employment/office.
23. Emote - *of an actor* portray emotions in a theatrical manner.
24. Emphatically - in a forceful way. *submodifier* - without doubt.
25. Empressement - *archaic* animated eagerness/friendliness.
26. Empyrean - *adj* of/relating to heaven. *noun* - the highest part of heaven, though to be the realm of pure fire. *literary* - the visible heavens; the sky.
27. Emulate - match/surpass a person/achievement.
28. Emulous - seeking to emulate someone/something (motivated by spirit rivalry)
29. Enamor/Enamour - be filled with love for.
30. En bloc - all together or all at the same time.
31. Enceinte - 1. *archaic* an enclosure or the enclosing wall of a fortified place. 2. *achaic* pregnant.
32. Encephalic - inflammation of the brain, caused by infection/allergic reaction.
33. Euchase - decorate jewelry/work of art by engraving/carving.
34. Encomium - a speech/piece of writing that praises someone/something highly.
35. Encompass - *archaic* cause to take place.
36. Encroach - intrude on a person's territory/rights/personal life etc.
37. Encumber - restrict/impede something/something in such a way that free action or movement is difficult.
38. Endear - cause to be loved/liked [endearing/endearment]
39. Endue - *literary* endow/provide with a quality/ability.
40. Energumen - a person believed to be possessed by a devil/spirit.

I'll just start with these 40 words, ne? :) I'll continue after class. CIAO!!

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