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Thursday, October 2, 2008

Another way to kill us...

They've just invented another way to kill us. KGT (Kajian Geografi Tempatan). In other words, Kerja Kursus Geografi. No, seriously, they want us to die, but let us do the killing. The only thing they have to do now is say, "You are all hereby ordered to dig your own graves and bury yourselves alive!"


I don't think I'm exaggerating.

Oh, and apart from that, I think my next story is going to be a best-seller. Of course, I'm not telling you anything, but find out for yourself. I'm sure you'll know. I'll be mentioning a ton of names. I'll probably need more than one page for that. :P

Actually, the story I'm working on is for a friend. I shan't tell you which, because it's supposed to be a secret until it's finished. She can't even READ it until it's finished. Actually, she can't read it till after the month October. I shan't tell you why.

You know, just because I'm determined the story I'm working on becomes a best-seller, I've been having the Thesaurus and Dictionary everywhere I go. I had to get ideas and interesting words to make the story more interesting. It's nice. I've been having help with my friends, of course. Like Zanne and Monkey (not their real names). No one else. Not even my sister, but I'll mention her name in the name list thing anyway.

My parents... Not so supportive. They want my studies to be first-hand. But I'll mention them all the same. You can't blame me for wanting to think twice. They think my stories are "Rubbish". Who wouldn't be angry? They don't call it that anymore though, so I'm grateful.

To think, I have to finish a story in a month!

That'd be like... A Guiness World Record or something. But hey, I don't mind.

I don't have an anime review with me right now. I've kinda stopped searching for anime to watch, because THE LAPTOP IS SO SLOW!!!!!

But I'm not giving up. Whenever we go out, my pockets shall be full! MWAHAHAHAHA! *Okay, now I'm scaring myself* :P

I was watching XXXHolic, at the recommendation of my friend, but I don't really find it interesting. For one thing, the drawings. Too thin and stubby. No flexibility. Another thing is, also has something to do with the drawings, the guys don't look nice.

Hey, the first thing I look for in an anime is how good-looking the guys are. If they guys are ugly, forget it, the anime's crap. I kinda find a lot like that, so I don't buy.

That's all I have with me now. I'll be posting some lyrics on the next post so keep watch!!! ^ ^ Ciao, little bloggie!! ^ ^

1 comment:

<3you, Sara! said...

oi! u started ady??? anyways. relink my blog. its okay? leave a comment in my blog too XD