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Sunday, June 17, 2012

Snow White and the Huntsman

This movie starts off modestly enough, with Snow White's mother narrating based on the introduction from the original Grimm Brothers' fairytale.

As goes the story, after his wife passes on, the lecherous king found Ravenna in a decaying cabin after defeating an army of conjured soldiers. Naturally, she ties him around her little finger in no time and eventually sticks a dagger hilt-deep into his heart. She then assumes his place on the throne.

Snow White was kept caged in the castle prison after that because Ravenna believed Snow White to be the bane of her existence, as the cliche goes.

Eventually, Snow White manages to escape into the Dark Forest. Having heard of the grueling tales related to the forest, Ravenna's brother enlists someone to hunt her down. A person who delved into its horrors and survived, namely Eric, the huntsman.

When Eric realizes Snow White is the daughter of the fallen king, he thought distancing himself would save her from harm (as his wife died from being with him). When it proved otherwise, he decides to help her take back what's rightfully hers: the throne.

The whole Snow-White-eats-apple-and-dies-but-is-awakened-by-a-kiss-from-her-true-love scene still happens in this version of the fairytale, no matter how many other things differed from the original work, of course. Albeit, it was never really revealed whose kiss undid the curse, it was strongly implied.

And alas, there was, naturally, a happy ending.

In spite of all that, now that I've seen this, it's safe to say I'm never going to judge a movie by its trailer ever again.

The worst part is, sometimes I find myself defending Kristen Stewart whenever someone criticizes her, be it regarding her stiff acting or rigid emotions. However, her part in this film demolished whatever decent opinion I had of her.

You'll understand what I mean when you hear her motivational speech before the big battle.

The production itself did little to help. For one, since when did women from that time wear pants under their gowns?

And all the hotness and good-looks of Chris Hemsworth could not possibly save this movie from being one of the worse films this year because his lines were as cheesy as mozzarella in pizzas.

Truth be told, the only silver lining in the movie was probably Charlize Theron, who played the Queen Ravenna. She was ultra-convincing in this adaptation of Snow White. I hated her character's guts. She's the kind of asshole everyone loves to hate.

Bravo, bravo, Charlize Theron.

But, like I said, she was the only silver lining. Second to that would be the seven dwarves (yes, they made an appearance too) and then the magic effects when they entered the fairies' domain. Liked the stag too. Pity it got shot.

All in all, I'd give this movie 2 stars out of 5. Don't bother watching it on the big screen if you haven't. Save your money. Download it or something.

That's about it, then :) CIAO!!

P/S: Please click on my Nuffnang ads :) Thanks!!

P/S/S: The picture is curtesy of Google Images. Nothing belongs to me. Sorry if this post has offended anybody in any way. It was done without intent.

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