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Friday, April 6, 2012


I can't understand why it is that everyone seems to be picking fights with us. Exactly what did we do wrong? Are we doing our jobs incorrectly? Are we being unreasonable with our actions?

If you don't tell us, how the f*ck are we supposed to know?

Lemme start with this: Try manning up to us instead of going around backstabbing the whole board in the school. Our teacher can handle it. She's been through worse. So why is it you're purposefully doing this when you can come straight out and say it?

Did you really have to bring it up in a board meeting? I don't know whether to be delighted you're giving us this much attention or repulsed that it's because of such a trifle matter.

Definitely the latter.

I'd really like to see you manage our designated place without as much as a glimpse of us. Why don't you go process your own books and organize the whole bloody Senayan system by yourself? Call your own computing operators when the computers decide to go haywire and plan Reading Week when the time comes.

We're already doing this as some sort of service to the school. Maybe we're not that smart, maybe we're not prefects.

So bloody what?

At least we're still contributing to the school in whatever way we can.

We're the ones behind Reading Week. We're the ones behind its presentability. We're the ones behind the borrowing and returning of books.

We're the ones. Period.

So stop being so insensitive and accusing us of skipping classes when we only do it when given permission and when it's for a probable cause. It's not called "skipping" when we're allowed to be there. It's not called "skipping" when we're actually doing work.

Get your facts right.

You've got the nerve to say we're not smart? Who's the one reeling all the A's for the damn school? The teachers? Yeah, sure, there are a handful I can mention that have really brought the school's name to justice, but for shit teachers like you, you have no right. You were never part of our A's. You were never the reason we scored them. You just lugged your gigantic ass along with your overweight, Chinese-gourd body around the school claiming you're teaching the students.

What kind of human undermines their students just because they're not in class? What's with the exaggeration? As far as the board is concerned, our students've only skipped your class that one time to prepare for the Australians' arrival. Stop whining. It's irritating.

You think you can provide an efficient introduction regarding the library on your own? Forget it. You probably don't even know what we use the front counter for, let alone the back counter and the operation room.

Leave it to the Form 4's? With no guidance whatsoever? Be realistic, you buffoon. Everybody needs guidance in their lives. The Form 4's are no exception, even if most of them scored straight A's for their PMR. It's not like you learned to drive on your own even if you're smart, right?

Oh right, you're not smart.

You don't seem to understand why we're doing this. You think it's for the certificates? You think it's for the title? You think it's for college?

For a married woman, you're bloody ignorant.

It's called love. Write it down. Look it up.

As long as our love for the library transcends your petty remarks, we'll go through anything.

You wanna pick a fight with us?

Bring it on.

But know when you're beaten.

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