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Monday, December 12, 2011

Cleo へ

Today's million-dollar question: Is eccentricity a defect?

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Ola :) I blogged about the 9th, 10th and 11th in the previous post, by the way :) Before getting into the details of today's events, I'd like to wish one of my very good friends a very happy birthday.

Happy 16th Birthday Cleo! You're probably the youngest person I know (apart from Dellie but that one doesn't really count, does it? :P) in our form. I want you to know that you are a very annoying and irritating person the minute you open your mouth :P But that's also one of your very strong and good points.

These past... (starts counting)... eight years have been very rocky-road for all of us, but I'm glad to say that you've been a constant friend to me :) I mean, like I said, you're annoying, but I guess I can live with that.

For now -.-

Anyways, may your wishes and dreams come true. I hope you have a very wonderful birthday and I look forward to seeing you again next year (I think :P).


I woke up at...

Oh my God, it just happened today and I can't remember -.- Anyways, all I remember is that one of the first things I did today was wish Cleo happy birthday via phone.

Didn't have my shake today, although I did have some Essence of Knowledge -.- Bleghh~ Ooh, now I remember what I did. Spent the whole of my morning/afternoon writing that poem. It's part of the Ed board assignment I got from Josh. Have to at least start before I become a mad woman on the 30th.

Did I mention the deadline is on the 31st? -.-


Had mi sua for lunch before going out to play with the two dogs again :) I set an alarm with my phone at 1:51p.m because my mom was having students again at 2 so the dogs have to be chained and caged before they come.


Not so much for Snuffly, but Peps has to be in the cage or she'll run out the gates like a lunatic, looking like a mutated rat.

Speaking of Peps...


That's how bald she is, just in case you were wondering :) I was supposed to upload that picture eons ago but I kept forgetting. It'll take a while for her fur to grow back, but at least her problems would've been gone with time :)

The rest of the day was mostly just me using my sister's laptop to read manga. I've been obsessed with Tsukuba Sakura's works. She is an excellent and superb artist. I love her drawing style. The manga I'm currently reading is called Penguin Revolution. Not the best title to bestow upon a manga, but it's the story I'm interested in, not the title. If something was to be judged solely on its title alone, nobody would read Bleach.

:P :P

That's about it for today. Had the same thing for dinner what I had for lunch. But this time I had corn flakes too :P Am looking forward to tomorrow because I'll be out with Dellie watching movies :) Mwahaha. I finally get to watch Puss in Boots!! :P



P/S: Please click on my Nuffnang ads :) Thanks!!

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