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Saturday, December 17, 2011


Today's million-dollar question: What is your favourite theme song?

*          *          *

Quote of the day: In vain I have struggled. It will not do.


Ola :)

I woke up at 11 something today. Not a very good thing to be doing, considering I've got to start waking up at 5:45a.m again in two weeks.

Oh my God. Two weeks. It doesn't really register until you say it aloud and realize that two weeks is just fourteen days, right? After Christmas it'll just fleet past and before you know it, I'm 17.

Once again, oh my God.

I shan't dwell too much on the subject, however. I want to savour what little time I have left of the holidays before I'm forced to study again.

God, I hate studying.

I didn't have my shake today. Been skimping on that. Don't breathe a word of it to my mom, please? :P I had fried rice for lunch. Not much, though. Even then, my mom said I shouldn't have eaten quite so much since I was having a finer dinner.


After lunch, I finally decided to watch the BBC version of Pride & Prejudice that we bought back from Singapore when I was there on my 10-day trip, visiting my sister.

Come 4:45p.m, I was sent to bathe because I was told we would be leaving for KLCC in a matter of utmost urgency. Well, I wouldn't call it quite so urgent, it's just that my sister was supposed to be there since she's performing in the MPYO as CONCERT MASTER.

Yup, you saw that right. She was invited to be the concert master for the occasion. We were very surprised, as we never thought that would happen (not to say I'm belittling my sister's talent, but... ah... oh well :P).

Enjoyed the second half much better than the first. They played some 4-movement Cornish stuff that I guess a person like me would never enjoy at all. The concert ended at 10:55p.m and we then journeyed back home.

Since then I've been stuck in my sister's room, multitasking between reviewing my recently-finished book, Me And Mr Darcy, and posting about the 16th whilst watching the BBC Pride & Prejudice.

That's about it, then :) CIAO!!

P/S: Please click on my Nuffnang ads :) Thanks!!

P/S/S: Happy birthday, Daddy :) Love you.

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