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Saturday, April 26, 2008

Specs Theft... Commited by Black Dot

Yes, it's not a lie. Black Dot admitted her crime of, soon titled as, Specs Theft at around 0730 hours a few days ago. She admitted she stole my friend's spectacles. Izyan, the victim, had her specs given back that time. Black Dot's excuse?

Black Dot: Oh, saya terambil.

Blaady asshole.

Izyan lost her specs last, last Thursday. Black Dot had it until the next Tuesday. She could've realized it wasn't her specs. No... She wanted to keep it! And the best part was, her specs have so many things MORE DIFFERENT than Izyan's. For instance, Izyan's specs are pink and framed. Black Dot's specs are brown and FRAMELESS! That's the most stupidest part of the whole thing she left out. Her specs are frameless, how could she confuse them with Izyan's? Honestly, she's a bloody liar, that's what!

Oh, and that's not the stupidest of the stupidest part, either. Black Dot made two excuses completely UNRELATED to each other. Let me tell you both of it.

Black Dot's excuse no.1: "My mother took it to exchange my frame"

Black Dot's excuse no.2: "My brother hid my specs"

Completely unrelated and stupid. Her first excuse, if you have noticed, is much stupider than all the other things she could think of. Observe, if her mother took it, she would've told her she took it. Not take it without her permission or acknowledgement! Secondly, how can it be her mother have taken it, and her brother hid it, at the same time??!!! That's stupid, that's what.

Plus, she had all the time on Monday to admit it wasn't hers. But did she have to wait till Tuesday? Completely irrelevant! Tch, and she cried that day too. Because of me, Naddin and Mun Mun. It felt good. It SHOULD! I mean, it's Black Dot, she deserves everything we throw at her because she doesn't even think about other people's feelings before doing something to please herself. Don't you think Izyan's parents would've scolded her for losing her specs? Did Black Dot ever think of that? No.

I know you're dying to know what we said to her, right? I'll tell you right now:

Me: How could you do something like that? You're a thief, a liar and a good-for-nothing brat!

Naddin: You liar la you! Take Izyan's specs! Liar liar pants of fire la!

Mun Mun: Izyan's specs so different from yours how can you take it??!!!

Yah, it was good. Especially when she cried. Hey, she deserved it. I felt like slapping her when she cried. Already she had commited a crime. Some more she thinks we should pity her? Ask her to go to hell la. I can't believe she did that! How could she? She would've noticed the differences! Why would she take Izyan's? Why would she even act like that? There's something wrong with her, I swear it!

We were all proud we solved the case. Especially Naddin, she did the most of the sleuthing. She's good at it. Much better than me. I didn't really care. Why? I was certain Black Dot DID steal it. Hehe. ^ ^

Oh yeah, and another addition not concerning Black Dot? There was a girl, Lim May-Zhee, to be exact, wrote and published her book called Sweetheart From Hell. DON'T READ IT! It's disgusting. So perverted and stupid. I read it because my friends bought it. Oh, and Amanda wanted me to break her record. I'm finishing one of the stories I'm working on. Wilderdale, it's called.

Well, this is where I stop! Byebye now! Ciao, little bloggie!!!

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