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Saturday, April 26, 2008

Annoying much?!?

Yeah, there's a new gal in my class. Her name's Pooh (Not her real name), and she used to be the Head Prefect of some Kedah school. Guess what? Just because of that, she thinks she can just boss people around.

Not only that, everytime the teacher wants to teach us something, she has to ask the stupidest questions ever. I don't remember any, but I still cannot stand the way she speaks either! She has that stupid tone in her voice. Seriously, you feel like slapping her everytime! Seriously! No one likes her! Except maybe people from other classes la. But that's because they're not in the same class! If they were, they'd know how we feel.

Haylie hates her. Naddin hates her. Mun Mun hates her. I hate her. She's stupid, I tell you. The only reason she got into the school, was because she got 7A's in her school. And the English in her school, standard so low, my brother could get A++! I'm serious. I really hate her. Everyone hates her! UGGGHHH!!! I really cannot stand it!

This is all I can get to. I'll inform you about what Sudimati did, on the next blog, okay? I've got plenty to tell you, and I'm bursting to do it. So, see ya, little bloggie! Ciao!

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