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Sunday, October 2, 2011


Today's million-dollar question: How often does an average person lie?

* * *

Ola :)

I'm sorry I haven't been blogging. I was either too busy blogging about insufferable people in school or just being plain sloth-y.


Anyways, today I woke up at 8 something, close to 9. Finished reading Gakuen Alice whilst having my shake, then had lunch downstairs. My lunch consisted of "nasi lemak", which I reluctantly shared with my mom (I'm kidding -_-) and a bite of her "char siew sou".


Not long after, my mom and the maid left to my grandparents' place. I quickly bathed, charged my iPad then played some pieces on the piano, which I make a habit of doing every day now.

My teacher came at 1:40p.m, and my brother and I had our English tuition. Class was funny and fun again today, as usual. The teacher makes endless recounts of what happens in her daily life to us.

Honestly, you get a lot of writing-essay ideas from her stories. They just spring out at you like a snake spitting poison and to prevent myself from forgetting any of those ideas, I lightly and briefly penciled them out on my book as she's telling me her stories.


At four o'clock, she left and I chilled for a while before changing out of my pants because apparently, after visiting my grandma, we were going out to eat at God-knows-where. I'm hoping it's a shopping mall. Leisure Mall would be nice - I could get my books there - or KLCC - I can go to Kinokuniya!! :P


Remember I mentioned the whole "her daily life makes good material for writing essays" thing? I was getting started on one till my dad came and it was time to leave -_- Bleghh~

So now I'm currently in my grandparents' place. My grandma is being as unresponsive as ever, but she manages a "good night", "hello sayang" and "goodbye" every now and then, which makes my heart overflow with undying love for her.

By God's strike, let her be healed.

I'll be going for dinner soon. I just finished the NST-NIE Creative Writing Workshop report for the library that was actually due last week. The teacher gave me until tomorrow, so... :P



Well then, I shall be off now. CIAO!!

P/S: Please click on my Nuffnang ads :) Thanks!!

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