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Sunday, May 18, 2008


Yup, you guessed it, it's something to do with Black Dot. Somehow, Naddin managed to talk to her and asked her why she didn't get into the "Journey to Purgatory" drama. You know what that liar said? (I think I mentioned she tried out for Danny?)

"Oh, they cut out the Danny part so I didn't get in."

Bloody liar. Please la! I tried out for a guy's part and didn't get it. Instead, I got another character. So why's it she didn't get A PART AT ALL??!!

Sheesh! If she said she wasn't good enough, that would be a better reason, right? Bloody fella! I have to go now! Ciao, little bloggie!!!

Saturday, May 17, 2008

I hate viruses!!!!!!

Right now, I'm so sad I feel I want to commit suicide! My beautiful miniature schnauzer, my beautiful dog...

I miss Mico!

She got sick 2 days ago and... She had to stay in the vet for a while under drips AND medication! The vet said she only has 50-50 chances of living!

It's a virus, by the way.

Mico has a food and mouth disease or something like that, and it's fatal, according to the doctor. There is NO cure whatsoever to it and only depends on how well Mico's immune system is (whether she's strong or not). I really pray and hope she'll get through! Of course I'll know she'll get through! She's a strong, hyperactive girl, I know she'll survive! If she doesn't, I'll kill myself, go up there and kill her again!

I love Mico. She's the daughter or my best friend's dog! I... I can't let her go! She's been here since she was 2 months old! I... I'll miss her!

I have to go! Bye...

Saturday, May 3, 2008

No cello lesson today!!!

Hah! My teacher went to Singapore so I don't have cello class today! Mwa kakaka!!! Oh, and did I mention? He left me with a lot of work! To think I just started like... a few months ago! Anyway, my mom bought the second-year cello method book already. I finished the first one within a few months. I know, I'm damn good! ^ ^ Joking, joking!

Anyway, my sister didn't go for her violin class today either. Her teacher fell sick. When she sms-ed my sister, she was practicing the violin. The minute she read the message, she put her violin down and started using her laptop. LOL. ^ ^

Damn, downloaded so many songs during the past few weeks. Dude, we have LIMEWIRE!!! HAHAHAHA!!! I already downloaded all the Japanese songs. Mwa kakaka!!!! I'm still downloading, though. Am doing it right now! >_
I'll write cha next time ne?